Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271
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The Technological Pole of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO in Tunis (Tunisia) at the headquarters of Tunis Virtual University is equipped with all the technologies needed to follow, in the preferred language (Arabic, French, English, Italian and Spanish), the distance teaching courses of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and participate in the training activities on videoconferencing and will represent a physical place for actual meetings and for hosting the organization of face-to-face exams, meetings and seminars with teachers and tutors who will be at the students’ disposal.
The UVT - Virtual University of Tunis, is a public institution, established in January 2002, its main mission is to develop Web-based and Internet-based courses and university curricula. The UVT is, by its own definition, a multidisciplinary university; its mission is to provide its students with opportunities for professionalizing courses tailored to the needs of the scientific and socio-economic environment as well as to the needs of the Tunisian and international labor market. Tunis Virtual University represents the first true experience of public distance university in Africa based on the use of the new teaching and learning technologies.