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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

ITI Don Bosco of Cairo Technological Pole




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The Technological Pole of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, set up at the ITI “Don Bosco” in Cairo, adds to that already existing Technological Pole realised at the Helwan University campus. In this case the “Don Bosco” Technological Pole allows to the many Egyptian students that got high school diploma at this prestigious institution to go on in their studies, also at university level and get university degree in Computer Engineering that is recognised by the Egyptian Government and by the Italian Government as well. The Pole is hosted at the fourth floor of the big site situated at nr. 2, Abd El Kader Taha - El Sahel - Cairo, and was realised precisely to host the new subsidiary of the Telematic University and allow the “Don Bosco” students to follow at ease the distance courses in Arabic, English and Italian of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. Two important companies, operating in Egypt, such as Iveco and Italcementi, the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Mobnil-Orascom Egyptian company, gave their financial support to the realisation of this Pole.

The new Pole includes 4 classrooms (with 15 workstations each) equipped to watch the videolessons, a secretariat-library, a videoconferencing hall, two new PLC and systems laboratories and a big screen by means of which it is possible to watch the lessons broadcast in four languages by Rai Nettuno Sat 1 satellite television channel. On this occasion a new lift and new services for the students were installed. The “Don Bosco” Technological Pole is a Distance Learning Office equipped with all the technologies needed to support professors, tutors and students in course delivery and within the learning processes. In addition, during their study hours, the students are supported individually, by telematic tutor and also by the “Don Bosco” tutors, specifically trained to give all the support need to familiarise and take the greatest advantage of this distance teaching model, based on the Internet and on television

At “Don Bosco” Technological Pole all e-Learning and support activities will take place. In particular, beside the normally delivered activity (videolessons, exercises, forums, etc.), there will be meeting and more-in-depth study seminars with expert in the subject that will be organised on site. Starting from 2007/2008 academic year it is envisaged the launching of two university degree courses: Management Engineering and Computer. In the near future it is envisaged the realisation of undergraduate one-year specialisation master’s courses for Electrotechnics and Mechanics experts.

The exams will take place through a videoconferencing system connecting the professor in charge of the course and in the presence of UNINETTUNO staff who will to Cairo to check personally the identity of the students admitted to take the exams and the fair carrying out of the exams themselves. At the end of the study course, the Egyptian students of “Don Bosco” UNINETTUNO Technological Pole will be able to concretise their dream and get a study title recognised in Italy, in Europe and in Egypt and will end their study path cooperating with their Italian, European and Arab World countries colleagues and professors members of the university network headed by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.

General Director
Don Renzo Leonarduzzi
Technological Pole Responsible
Prof. Colombara Marco (Vicepreside dell’ITI Don Bosco del Cairo per la sezione professionale, professore di Biologia e Scienze della Terra presso l’ITI Don Bosco del Cairo.)
Prof. Zuccolotto Ivano - Vicepreside dell’ITI Don Bosco del Cairo per la sezione tecnica, Professore di italiano e Tecnologia presso l‘ITI Don Bosco del Cairo.
Prof. Wael Atef - Professore di Impianti Elettrici ed Elettrotecnica presso l’IPI Don Bosco del Cairo.
Prof. Giovanni Dottorini - Professore per Sistemi Automatici e Impianti Elettrici, responsabile per l’area progetti dell’ITI Don Bosco del Cairo e per il polo Tecnologico.
Dr. ssa Enas Alphons - Addetta di segreteria del Polo Tecnologico
Local Support
Dr. Khaled NaguibConsulente per l’area progetti e la gestione delle infrastrutture tecnologiche dell’ITI Don Bosco del Cairo
Dr. Mikhail William - Responsabile informatico presso l’ITI Don Bosco del Cairo. Addetto alla supervisione giornaliera delle infrastrutture del Polo Tecnologico.
2, abd El Kader Taha – El Sahel 11241
Cairo – Egypt
Phone. 0020224576794 - 0020224579650
Videoconference: IP Address