Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

20 Scholarships for asylum-seeker students

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, in cooperation with Fondazione Cariplo, makes available 20 scholarships, each amounting to 2,500 euro yearly, to cover the costs of the annual fees to attend the courses included into the University’s educational offer.

The 20 beneficiaries of these scholarships will be able to enroll for one of the degree courses of the online University for free. The aim is that of promoting and supporting the academic development of immigrants and contribute to their professional placement in the hosting country.

UNINETTUNO has always been committed to overcome geographical, social, cultural and religious boundaries among people. As a leading university in the field of e-learning, its qualifications are recognized in Europe as well as the Countries of the Mediterranean Area.

UNINETTUNO University has, among its enrolled students, people coming from over 160 countries and its educational portal (www.uninettunouniversity.net) is the only one across the world available in 5 languages (Italian, English, French, Arabic and Greek).

The students who are interested in this initiative can get in touch with the following UNINETTUNO contact people:

People in charge of the Secretariat
- Mr. Raffaele Carracoy
- Dr. Tiziana Giovannelli
+39 06 692076 50
+39 06 692076 88