Agreements with associations/institutions
Fondazione ITS Leading Generation (Lombardia)
Object: Framework Agreement. 50% discount for the first year and 20% for the second year
Associazione Nazionale Graduati e Volontari delle Forze Armate e Corpi Armati d'Italia Assomilitari
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Fondazione ITS Leading Generation (Lombardia)
Object: Memorandum of understanding with Cdl Management Engineering and Computer Science and Economics and Business Management
Project Informatica srl
Object: Reduction of registration fees 20% extended to children and family members of employees. Extended master's and CS
Object: Reduction of registration fees 20% extended to children and family members of employees. Extended master's and CS
Data Hubs
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Object: Reduction of registration fees
UIL – Unione Italiana del Lavoro
Object: Reduction of registration fees 20%
Dopo Lavoro Ferroviario La Spezia
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Fondazione ITS Area tecnologica dell’efficienza energetica- risparmio energetico e nuove Tecnologie in bioedilizia
Object: Framework agreement for collaboration with ITS
NTT DATA Italia S.p.A.
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Fondazione ITS Area tecnologica dell’efficienza energetica- risparmio energetico e nuove Tecnologie in bioedilizia (RED Academy)
Subject: Memorandum of Understanding, Faculty of Engineering
Fondazione ITS Area tecnologica dell’efficienza energetica- risparmio energetico e nuove Tecnologie in bioedilizia
Subject: Memorandum of Understanding, Faculty of Engineering
Fondazione ITS Meccatronico Veneto
Object: Framework agreement for collaboration with ITS
Fondazione ITS Meccatronico Veneto
Object: Protocol Memorandum of Understanding Faculty of Engineering
Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo Onlus
Object: Naples Technological Pole
UIL RUA “Ricerca Università e Afam”
Object: Reduction of registration fees
UILCA – UIL Credito esattoria e Assicurazioni
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Confederazione di sindacale Cobas confederazione dei comitati di base-Cobas del lavoro privato, Cobas scuola - Cobas pubblico impiego
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Associazione Culturale QUIA
Object: Reduction of registration fees
U Lead srl
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Maticmind spa
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Lazio Crea spa
Object: riduzione tasse di iscrizione
Lazio Youth Card
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Cral INPS Palermo
Object: Reduction of registration fees
CRAL ADOLMA Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Object: Reduction of registration fees
CIDI Ischia
Object: Reduction of registration fees
CISAL Torino
Oggetto: Convenzione per riduzione tasse di iscrizione
DXC Technology Italia s.r.l.
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Enterprise Services Italia Srl
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Enterprise Tech Partners Italia S.r.l.
Object: Reduction of registration fees
ES Field Delivery Italia
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Xchanging Italy S.p.A.
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Oggetto: Riduzione tasse di iscrizione: 20% per dipendenti e figli e familiari. Estesa CS e Master
Provincia di Rimini
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Sindacato Dirigenti della Banca d'Italia - CIDA
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Sindacato O.R.S.A. Ferrovie
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Associazione Informatici Professionisti
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Unione Polizia Locale Italiana - UPLI
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Spindox Lab srl
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Spindox spa
Object: Reduction of registration fees
AssoCounseling Associazione professionale di categoria
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Associazione Italiana Pallavolisti
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Cool Projects srl
Object: Reduction of registration fees
CRAL ABI (Associazione Bancaria Italiana)
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Il Circolo Ricreativo Assistenziale Dipendenti Comunali di Torino
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Rugby Alto Vicentino – Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Alma Media spa
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Associazione Professioni Sanitarie ASPI
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Agenzie Dogane e Monopoli
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Bridgestone Italia Manufacturing spa
Object: Reduction of registration fees of 20% ; for employees and family members
It is also extended to employees of interim companies who always work in Bridgestone
Object: Protocol of understanding for common courses
Centro Studi Americani
Object: collaboration for the use of facilities, libraries and educational activities
Contec Ingegneria srl
Subject: Collaboration for Masters and Courses in BIM
React Studio srl
Subject: Collaboration for Masters and Courses in BIM
SAR ITALIA (Scholars at Risck)
Object: Costituzione SAR ITALIA
JAC Academy
Object: Memorandum of Understanding with Communications Science Faculty
Object: Memorandum of Understanding with between ITS Courses and Faculty of Engineering and Economics
Leroy Merlin Italia srl, Bricocenter Italia e Zodio Italia
Object: reduction of registration fees for employees / collaborators. Extended to children and family cohabitants.
Associazione Presidenza Club APS
Object: reduction of registration fees for employees / collaborators. Extended to children and family cohabitants.
Associazione di Promozione Nazionale Sportello Amianto
Object: Training courses
Centro Sociale Internazionale Ansaldo Fincantieri di Genova
Object: reduction of registration fees
Clinica di Riabilitazione Toscana Spa
Object: reduction of registration fees for employees / collaborators. Extended to children and family cohabitants.
Consiglio Regionale dell’Abruzzo
Object: reduction of registration fees
Federazione UIL Organi Costituzionali
Object: reduction of registration fees
Fondazione ITS per lo Sviluppo del Sistema Casa nel Made in Italy Rosario Messina
Object: Convenzione Quadro e Protocollo di Intesa per l’iscrizione degli studenti ITS al CdL di Economia e Gestione delle Imprese
Fondazione ITS per lo Sviluppo del Sistema Casa nel Made in Italy Rosario Messina.
Object: Convenzione Quadro per l’iscrizione degli studenti ITS ai CdL Uninettuno
Fondazione ITS per lo Sviluppo del Sistema Casa nel Made in Italy Rosario Messina.
Object: Protocollo di Intesa per l’iscrizione degli studenti ITS al CdL di Economia e Gestione delle Imprese
Fondazione ITS Servizi alle Imprese per le nuove tecnologie per il made in Italy (Viterbo)
Oggetto Accordo Quadro
Fondazione ITS Servizi alle Imprese per le nuove tecnologie per il made in Italy (Viterbo)
Oggetto Protocollo di Intesa con i Cdl di SDC e Economia
Fondazione ITS per le Tecnologie innovative per i beni e le attività culturali - turismo.
Object: Collaboration with the Faculty of Economics
AIDA – Associazione Italiana dipendenti Almaviva
Object: Reduction of registration fees
CRAL Regione Campania
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Object: Reduction of registration fees of 20%
CRAL ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale)
Object: Reduction of registration fees for employees / collaborators. Extended to children and family cohabitants.
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Associazione di Promozione sociale Pandora
Object: reduction of registration fees
Lega Italiana Fibrosi Cistica Onlus
Object: Discount on registration for the Masters
Consiglio Nazionale Geometri e Geometri Laureati
Object: Tuition fee discount for individual courses
Agreement for collaboration in training activities and video / streaming shooting
Object: Reduction of registration fees
Framework Agreement for the development of research activities
Fondazione ITS Pegasus
Object: Collaborazione tra il corso di laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale ed i Corsi ITS Pegasus
Federturismo Confindustria
Object: reduction of registration fees
Object: cooperation in the training of supervisors and executives Assidipost-Federmanager
AFAP – Amici Forze Armate e Polizia
Object: reduction of registration fees
Confederazione Europea quadri Dirigenti e Liberi Professionisti
Object: reduction of registration fees
CNPI – Consiglio Nazionale Periti Industriali
Object: reduction of registration fees, traineeships and orientation.
Centro Culturale Pontino srl
Object: reduction of registration fees
Consiglio nazionale geometri e geometri laureati
Object: reduction of registration fees to individual courses
CRIS (Associazione Centro Ricerche Istruzione Sviluppo) e Eurocris srl
Object: Reduction of registration fees of 20%
GIBA – Giocatori Italiani Basket Associati
Object: reduction of registration fees
ASIA – Associazione Sindacati Autonomi
Object: reduction of registration fees
UGL - Metalmeccanici
Object: reduction of registration fees
Via delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% (also for the Masters and individual courses)
Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Oggetto: Accordo Quadro su attività di ricerca e di didattica
SPM Formazione 2004 srl
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
AFAN - Aviation and Maritime training association
Framework agreement for the development of distance learning courses
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Associazione Italiana Collaboratori Parlamentari
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% (Degree Courses and Masters)
Extended to family members
UGL The State Forestry Corps
Via Giosuè Carducci n. 5, Rome
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
H3G Spa
Via Alessandro Severo, 246
Object: Tuition fee discount
Duration: 3 years
The Order of Journalists of Veneto
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Extended to family members
Association Sicilia Sviluppo Onlus
Via San Francesco di Paola 8, Paternò (CT)
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Object: UNINETTUNO membership in the programme Cisco Networking Academy
Cassa Mutua Provinciale di Roma
Via San Francesco di Paola 8, Paternò (CT)
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration Date: November 25, 2017
Comune di Scandale (KR)
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 30/07/2017
SNA – Sindacato Nazionale Agenti di Assicurazione
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 09/07/2017
IIS Aldini Valeriani Sirani di Bologna
Via Sario Bassanelli, 9/11 Bologna
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 29/04/2017
Istituto Paritario A. Ruiz - Roma
Object: Reduction of registration fees
CRALT – Cral Telecom
Via Cristoforo Colombo, 142 Roma
Object: Tuition fee discount
Expiration date: 11/04/2017
Università Popolare di Firenze
Via Ricasoli, 7 Firenze
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 17/02/2017
Associazione Provinciale degli Artigiani - Confartigianato di Crotone
Piazza Umberto I, 58 Crotone
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 14/11/2016
Via dei Sulpici, 50 Roma
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% for all the educational offer
Expiration date: 09/10/2016
Oggetto: Riduzione tasse di iscrizione
Circolo Interfinanziarie
Piazza Monte Grappa, 4 Roma
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% for all the educational offer
Expiration date: 13/10/2014
Unità Sindacale Falcri Silcea
Via Cristoforo Colombo, 181 Roma
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% for all the educational offer
Expiration date: 08/10/2016
UILCA – UIL Credito e Assicurazioni
Via Lombardia, 30 Roma
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% for all the educational offer
Expiration date: 08/10/2016
InterCral DPA – Cral Agenzia Dogane e Monopoli
Corso Sebastopoli, 3 – Torino
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% for all the educational offer
Adecco Italia Spa
Via Tolmezzo, 15 – 20132 Milano
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% for the employees for all the educational offer;
Expiration date: 24/09/2014
CNR Centro Nazionale Ricerche
Object: Partnership on research, technological development, support services for the research, teaching and training activities.
Signed: 08/04/2013
Duration: 5 years
Stato Maggiore della Difesa
Via XX Settembre, 123 Roma
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% for all the educational offer
Expiration date: 01/07/2018
Extended to: family members, relatives up to the 2nd degree of kin and retired staff.
Fondo di Assistenza per il Personale della Polizia di Stato
Via del Castro Pretorio, 5 Roma
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% for all the educational offer
Expiration date: 01/08/2016
Extended to: family members, relatives up to the 2nd degree of kin, retired staff and staff of the Civil Administration of Interior worked in the Department of P.S. (Public Safety).
Guardia di Finanza
Comando Regionale Lombardia
Via Melchiorre Gioia, 5 – 20124 Milano
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% for all the educational offer
Expiration date: 27/06/2018
Extended to: family members, relatives up to the 2nd degree of kin, those who joined the
Guardia di Finanza
Consiglio Interregionale Rappresentanza Italia Centrale
Via Sicilia, 178 – 00187 Roma
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% for all the educational offer
Expiration date: 05/06/2018
Extended to: family members, relatives up to the 2nd degree of kin, those who joined the
CA' SELLA CRAL del Gruppo Banca SELLA
Piazza G. Sella 1 Biella
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 08/05/2016
Associazione ALDA
Object: Partnership in the field of European porojects design and development of the Master’s program in European Law and Policies
Signed: 4/04/2013
Duration: 2 years
CNR Centro Nazionale Ricerche
Object: Partnership on research projects, use of library and documentation systems,
PhD courses
Signed: 21/07/2011
Duration: 5 years
Via Torraca 2
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 04/03/2016
Associazione S. Elisabetta Srl
Via Agevola 4 Gragnano (NA)
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 13/12/2015
CSF di Obiettivo futuro Srl
Via Baglivi 6 Roma
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 14/11/2015
Istituto Galileo Galilei
Via Camposanto 67/a Cosenza (CS)
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 27/09/2015
Istituti Scolastici Associati - I.S.A.
Via Alfredo Cuscinà 10, Palermo (PA)
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 05/09/2015
Via Pio XII, 8, Casoria (NA)
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 06/07/2015
DIRCREDITO – Associazione Sindacale
Object: Discount- 20%
Extension to the family members
Expiration date: 11/09/2014
Object: Discount- 20%
Expiration date: 05/09/2015
Object: Student discount- 10%
Expiration date: 5/9/2015
Object: Tuition fee discount for the employees
Extended to: spouses and children of employees
Signed: 31/07/2012
Expiration date: 31/07/2015
Santander Consumer Bank
Object: Tuition fee discount
Scuola Pitagora sas
Via G. De Luca snc, Vibo Valentia (VV)
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 25/07/2015
Fondazione Maria Stella Maris
Paglieta, Chieti
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 19/07/015
Object: Reduction of registration fees
FABI Sindacato Provinciale Roma
Object: Discount - 20%
Signed: 01/06/2012
Expiration date: 01/06/2017
FederUfficiTecnici - Federazione degli uffici tecnici della Pubblica Amministrazione
Via Monte Pastello 20, Pescantina (VR)
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 31/12/2015
Centro Linguistico Formazione Professionale Educational School
Via Giorgio Arcoleo 61, Caltagirone CT
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 31/12/2014
Centro Studi Nuove Scuole S.r.l.
Signed: 13/02/2012
Object: Annual tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 13/02/2015
Valid for all Faculties
Object: Discount - 20%
800 euro for the enrolment and 800 euro after 6 months
Expiration date: 31/12/2012
Centro Formativo Universitario CFU
Marketing and promotion activity
Student’s discount - 20%
Expiration date: 31/12/2017
Istituto Istruzione Boris Pasternak Brindisi
Object: Discount - 20%
Expiration date: 31/12/2013
E.SHOOL Associazione Culturale e Linguistica
Object: Discount - 20%
Expiration date: 31/12/2013
CON.IPI (Confederazione nazionale investigatori privati italiani)
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 19/05/2014
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 31/12/2012
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 31/12/2014
Object: Annual tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 31/12/2017
FABI – Sindacato Autonomo Bancari Latina
Object: Annual tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 11/10/2014
Centro Scolastico Gymnasium
Signed: 07/07/2011
Object: Annual tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 31/12/2013
Valid for all 6 Faculties
Centro Formazione Pitagora srl
Signed: 07/07/2011
Object: Annual tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 31/12/2013
Valid for all 6 Faculties
Fondazione D’Ettoris
Signed: 07/07/2011
Object: Annual tuition fee discount - 20%
Expiration date: 31/12/2013
Valid for all 6 Faculties
Centro Formazione e Studi Vittorio Alfieri
Via Firenze, 28 Locri (RC)
Signed: 20/04/2011
Object: Annual tuition fee discount - 20% for Master’s programs and Professional courses
Expiration date: 31/12/2014
Valid for all 6 Faculties
Associazione SIPGI Scuola ad indirizzo Pluralistico Gestaltico Integrato
Signed: 20/04/2011
Object: Annual tuition fee discount - 20%, that will be applied to the second part of the fee payment for each academic year until the study program completion.
Duration: 3 years.
ANACNA - Associazione Nazionale Assistenti e Controllori alla Navigazione Aerea
Signed: 25/01/2011
Object: Tuition fee discount - 10% for up to 30 enrolled students / 20% for more than 31 enrolled students
Valid for the association members and their direct family members
Duration: 5 years
Eduna srl
Signed 21/07/2011
Expiration date: 21/07/2016
Object: Realisation of master’s programs
HCL Technologies S.p.A.
Object: Reduction of registration fees of 20%.
Extended to children and family cohabitants of the employees of the institution.
The reduction is also valid for enrollment in single courses and in the Master's programs included in the UNINETTUNO training offer
(with the exclusion of the Masters delivered in partnership with other Bodies / Institutions).
HR Services S.r.l., con unico socio, soggetta a Direzione e Coordinamento di Telecom Italia S.p.A.
Signed: 26/11/2010
Object: Tuition fee discount and discount for a single course purchase.
Duration: 3 years
Zètema Progetto Cultura S.r.l.
Signed: 16/11/2010
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Valid for all Faculties
Duration: 3 years. Renewal for a similar period through the prior written agreement between the parties 3 months before the expiration date.
ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE QUADRI DIRETTIVI DELLE REGIONI e delle altre amministrazioni del comparto (QUA.DI.R.), aderente al Sindacato (C.S.A.) "Coordinamento Sindacale Autonomo Regioni e Autonomie Locali" - Coordinamento Regione Lazio
Signed: 15/11/2010
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20% and only until 31/12/2010 – 50% discount
Valid for all Faculties
Duration: 1 year. Renewal for a similar period through the prior written agreement between the parties 3 months before the expiration date.
Renewed until 06/10/2014
Gef Consulting S.r.l.
Signed: 12/11/2010
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Valid for all Faculties
Duration: 5 years. Renewal for a similar period through the prior written agreement between the parties 3 months before the expiration date.
Signed: 03/11/2010
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Valid for all Faculties
Duration: 5 years. Renewal for a similar period through the prior written agreement between the parties 3 months before the expiration date.
Signed: 29/10/2010
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Valid for all Faculties
Duration: 1 year. Renewal for a similar period through the prior written agreement between the parties 3 months before the expiration date.
Centro Culturale Sardo srl (Istituto Scolastico Superiore "Kennedy")
Signed: 19/10/2010
Object: Tuition fee discount - 10%
Valid for all Faculties
Duration: 5 years. Renewal for a similar period through the prior written agreement between the parties 3 months before the expiration date.
Comune di Simbario
Signed: 14/10/2010.
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
10% for Improvement and refresher course for teachers “Application of the new languages of communication in teaching processes”
Valid for all Faculties
Duration: 1 year. Renewal for a similar period through the prior written agreement between the parties 3 months before the expiration date.
Renewed until 05/10/2014
Centro Scolastico Paritario DANTE ALIGHIERI S.r.l.
Signed: 13/09/2010
Object: Tuition fee discount - 10%
Valid for all Faculties
Duration: 5 years. Renewal for a similar period through the prior written agreement between the parties 3 months before the expiration date.
Consiglio Nazionale Geometri e Geometri Laureati
Signed: 24/02/2009.
Object: Tuition fee discount - 10%Extended to the family members: YES<
Valid for the following Faculties: Engineering Faculty, Law Faculty, Economics Faculty, Psychology Faculty, Literature Faculty.
Duration: 5 years from the signature date - February 24, 2009. In the absence of termination notice six months before the expiration date, the agreement will be tacitly renewed for further 5 years.
Recognised ECTS: as provided by law
AizoOn consulting srl
Signed: 26/01/2009.
Object: Tuition fee discount - 15%
Extended to the family members: YES
Valid for all Faculties
Duration: 5 years from the signature date - January 26, 2009. In the absence of termination notice six months before the expiration date, the agreement will be tacitly renewed for further 5 years.
Recognised ECTS: as provided by law
UGL – Unione Generale del Lavoro – Federazione Trasporti
Signed: 09/12/2008.
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Extended to the family members: YES
Valid for all Faculties: 5 years from the signature date - December 9, 2008. In the absence of termination notice six months before the expiration date, the agreement will be tacitly renewed for further 5 years.
Recognised ECTS: as provided by law
SINDIAC - Sindacato Dirigenti Imprese Assicuratrici Centro-Sud Italia
Object: Tuition fee discount
SINFUB – Federazione Nazionale Sindacati Autonomi Personale di Credito, Finanza e Assicurazioni
Signed: 09/12/2008.
Object: Tuition fee discount - 20%
Extended to the family members: YES
Valid for all Faculties
Duration: 5 years from the signature date - December 9, 2008. In the absence of termination notice six months before the expiration date, the agreement will be tacitly renewed for further 5 years.
Recognised ECTS: as provided by law
Agreement with l'Arma dei Carabinieri
ABEI (Association of British Engineers in Italy).
Signed: 24/01/2008 - Tuition fee discount: 10%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
Istituto di Previdenza Sovvenzione e Mutuo Soccorso dell’Acquedotto di Napoli
Signed: 19/12/2007 - Tuition fee discount: 10%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
Signed: 13/07/2007 - Tuition fee discount: 20%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
Mo.P.I. Movimento Psicologi Indipendenti.
Signed: 4/06/2007 - Tuition fee discount: 20%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
Signed: 31/05/2007 - Tuition fee discount: 15%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
ConfAgricoltura Cuneo
Object: Tuition fee discount
Confartigianato Imprese - Associazione Provinciale Bologna Metropolitana
Object: Tuition fee discount: 20%; Extended to the family members
CNA Associazione Imolese.
Signed: 21/05/2007 - Tuition fee discount: 20%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
Signed: 20/04/2007 - Tuition fee discount: 25%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
Signed: 5/03/2007 - Tuition fee discount: 25%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
Associazione Nazionale CRAL ENTI LOCALI.
Signed: 13/02/2007 - Tuition fee discount: 20%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
Associazione Consulta per le Persone in Difficoltà – ONLUS.
Signed: 13/12/2006 - Tuition fee discount: 20%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
Associazione Resocontisti Stenografi Parlamentari.
Signed: 31/10/2006 - Tuition fee discount: 25%; Extended to the family members: NO; Valid for all faculties.
UGL Unione Generale del Lavoro – Sanità di Milano.
Signed: 26/10/2006 - Tuition fee discount: 20%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
ANS Associazione Nazionale Sociologi.
Signed: 15/09/2006 - Tuition fee discount: 15%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
S.U.L.P.M. Sindacato Unitario Lavoratori Polizia Municipale.
Signed:14/09/2006 - Tuition fee discount: 20%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
UGL Unione Generale del Lavoro – Agenzie Fiscali.
Signed: 19/07/2006 - Tuition fee discount: 20%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
UGL Unione Generale del Lavoro – Comparto Ministeri.
Signed: 4/072006 - Tuition fee discount: 20%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for all faculties.
ANIPA Associazione Nazionale Informatici Pubblica Amministrazione .
Signed: 10/05/2006 - Tuition fee discount: 30%; Extended to the family members: YES; Valid for the following programs: Computer Engineering, Management Engineering.
ANUSCA Associazione Nazionale Ufficiali di Stato Civile e di Anagrafe.
Signed: 27/04/2006 - Tuition fee discount: 25%; Extended to the family members: NO; Valid for all faculties. riduzione tasse universitarie: 25%; estensione ai familiari: NO; Valid only for Economics and Corporate Governance program.
Fondazione Massimo D’Antona.
Signed: 28/07/2005 - Tuition fee discount; Extended to the family members: NO; Valid for all faculties.
Fondazione ITS nuove Tecnologie per il Made in Italy – sistema Meccanica di Lanciano
Object: collaborazione con il corso di Laurea in ingegneria Gestionale
Ordine Psicologi del Lazio
Oggetto : Attività previste iscrizione Albo SEZ. A e SEZ. B