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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Valerii Maksimov

Titolo di Laurea

  • Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building. “Bachelor of technics and technology in civil engineering” 2004 – 2008
  • Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building. “Engineer of technics and technology in civil engineering” 2004 – 2009
  • Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building. “Master of technics and technology in civil engineering” 2008 – 2010

Università presso cui è stato conseguito il titolo

Università statale di architettura e ingegneria civile di Tomsk

Curriculum formativo


  • TSUAB "Laurea in tecnica e tecnologia in ingegneria civile" 2004–2008.
  • TSUAB "Ingegnere in tecnica e tecnologia in ingegneria civile" 2004–2009.
  • TSUAB "Master in tecnica e tecnologia in ingegneria civile" 2008–2010.
  • Università statale di Tomsk. Corso di formazione complementare "Traduttore di lingua italiana nell'ambito della comunicazione professionale" 2010–2013.
  • TSUAB Studio post-laurea sulla specialità 05.23.01 "Strutture, edifici e costruzioni" 2010–2013.
  • UNINETTUNO. Facoltà di ingegneria. Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria dell'Innovazione Tecnologica XXXV Ciclo, Settore scientifico disciplinare ICAR/08 BUILDING SCIENCE. 2019-2022.
    Competenze professionali:
    SCAD Office, AutoCAD, Lira, MathCAD, Microsoft Office, MATLAB, COMSOL Multiphysics.

Informazioni generali sul corso di dottorato di afferenza

Ciclo del corso: 35°
Nome del corso: Settore scientifico disciplinare ICAR/08 BUILDING SCIENCE
Durata del corso in anni: 3
Iscritto al: Ho concluso il mio percorso di dottorato ma devo consegnare la tesi
Anni rimanenti: 0

Periodi trascorsi consecutivamente presso istituti di ricerca esteri

Nessun periodo trascorso in istituto di ricerca estero

Eventuale finanziamento da enti esterni

Nessun finanziamento da enti esterni

Informazioni relative al percorso di ricerca del Dottorando

Insegnamenti obbligatori scelti:

  • Fondamenti di Big Data (8);
  • Intelligenza Artificiale (9),;
  • Laboratorio di Scrittura scientifica (0);
  • Equazioni Differenziali Ordinarie (?);
  • Internet of energy (6)
Totale CFU: 23

Insegnamenti a libera scelta:

Continuum mechanics (?)
Totale CFU: ?

Progetto di ricerca

Obiettivi del progetto di ricerca intrapreso

Presentare il modello fisico-matematico di elastodanneggiamento che consente di eseguire simulazioni numeriche con risultati indipendenti dalla maglia.

Linee di ricerca esplorate

Ingegneria, simulazioni numeriche, Meccanica del continuo

Metodologie utilizzate

Variational principle, fine elements method (FME), Partial Derivative Equations PDE

Descrizione dei risultati del progetto conseguiti allo stato attuale

  • The key findings of the work reported here is that long-range mechanism can be included in continuum models we have done in a way that is based upon micro-macro identification.
  • We have shown that by including at micro-scale an additional pantographic grain-pair interaction term, that stores elastic energy in response to strain gradients independently from L. We can control at macro-scale the thickness of the localization zones from certain prescribed weakness.
  • The influence of the pantographic term is observed both in the case of single loading and in more complex experiments; the dependence on the loading path has also been showed.
  • The results illustrate the capabilities of the micro-macro identification based upon the granular micromechanics paradigm, that is able to give rise to evolving anisotropy and material chirality as well as growth of localization zones in the neighborhood of prescribed weakness.

Seminari (seguiti o tenuti per almeno 4 CFU)

Conteggio N_Uditore-N_Relatore: 6-0
Da uditore:
  • 1st  Winter School on Trends on Additive Manufacturing for Engineering Applications Polytechnical University of Timișoara (UPT) Timisoara, Romania, 24-28 January 2021. Uditore
  • NONLINEAR SOLID MECHANICS 2020 by Anna Pandolfi from politechnico di Milano 8 – 15 Novembre 2020. Uditore
  • Summer School “Tensor Analysis with Applications in Continuum Mechanics” Summer School 12 – 16 July 2021 by prof. Victor Eremeyev. Uditore
  • PhD Course: Introduction to Tensor Calculus. : Dr. Cristina Padovani. 08.02.2022 – 04.03.2022. Uditore
  • Course of «Hands on Continuum Mechanics with COMSOL» by Luciano Teresi. 01.03.2022 - 10.03.2022. Uditore
Da relatore:
  • ICoNSoM (The International Conference of Nonlinear solid Mechanics 2022). 13.06.2022 – 16.06.2022. relatore

Attività di ricerca (fino a 38 CFU)

Prodotti di ricerca

Lista delle pubblicazioni su rivista

  • Issledovanie prochnosti i deformativnosti naturnyh zhelezobetonnyh kolonn i ih stykov nesushchego karkasa EASS-TDSK zhilyh domov v g. Tomske (Study of the strength and deformativity of natural reinforced concrete columns and their joints carrying the frame of EASS-TDSK residential buildings in Tomsk) / Goncharov M, Maksimov V, Botieva I / Construction: materials, constructions, technologies: materials I (VII) All-Russian Science and Technology Conference Bratsk: BRSU, 2009, S. 7-11, ISBN 978-5-8166-0245-7.
  • Eksperimental'nye issledovaniya napryazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoyaniya naturnyh zhelezobetonnyh kolonn, ih fragmentov i stykov nesushchego karkasa EASS-TDSK zhilyh domov v g. Tomske (Experimental studies of the tense-deformed state of natural reinforced concrete columns, their fragments and joints of the EASS-TDSK living quarters in Tomsk) / Plevkov V, Baldin I, Goncharov M, Asoskov Yu, Permyakov V, Maksimov V and c / Tom. State. Archit.-builds. Un-t-Tomsk, 2009-46s.-Rus.-Dep. VINITI RAN 20.04.2009, No. 232- B2009 .
  • Issledovanie raboty kontaktnyh stykov sbornyh zhelezobetonnyh kolonn (Study of contact joints of prefabricated concrete columns)/ Goncharov M.., Maksimov V, Botieva I/ VI International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Prospects for the Development of Fundamental Sciences," page 700-703, publishing house of Tomsk Polytechnic University. Tomsk 2009.
  • Metodika i rezul'taty eksperimental'nyh issledovanij stykov zhelezobetonnyh kolonn, usilennyh metallicheskimi elementami (deponirovannaya stat'ya) (Methodology and results of experimental studies of joints of reinforced concrete columns reinforced with metal elements (deposited article)) Plevkov V, Baldin I, Goncharov M, Maksimov V, Botieva I/ Tom. State. Archit.-builds. Un-t-Tomsk, 2010-43s.-Rus.-Dep. VINITI RAN 25 January 2010, No. 25-B2010.
  • Osobennosti deformirovaniya usilennyh stykov sbornyh zhelezobetonnyh kolonn pri dinamicheskih vozdejstviyah (Features of deformation of reinforced joints of prefabricated concrete columns at dynamic impacts) / Plevkov V, Baldin I, Goncharov M, Maksimov V, Procopova A / VII International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Prospects for the Development of Fundamental Sciences," page 574-576, publishing house of Tomsk Polytechnic University. Tomsk 2010.
  • Issledovanie raboty zhelezobetonnyh plit s podatlivym opiraniem po konturu pri kratkovremennom dinamicheskom nagruzhenii. (Study of the work of reinforced concrete slabs with a yielding resting on the contour at short-term dynamic loading.) / Maksimov V, Mesheulov N / Materials of 57 scientific and technical conference of students and young scientists, page 28-29, publishing house of the Tomsk State Architectural and Construction University. Tomsk 2011.
  • Eksperimental'nye issledovaniya deformativnosti zhelezobetonnyh plit s podatlivym opiraniem po konturu pri kratkovremennom dinamicheskom nagruzhenii. (Experimental studies of the deformativity of reinforced concrete slabs with yelding contouring in short-term dynamic loading.) / Maksimov V, Stiharev V, Kubarskiy V / Materials of 58 scientific and technical conference of students and young scientists, page 28-29, publishing house of the Tomsk State Architectural and Construction University. Tomsk 2012.
  • The analysis of two-way reinforced concrete slabs on rigid and yielding supports at short-term dynamic loading / Kumpyak O. Galyautdinov Z. Maksimov V / Vestnik of Tomsk state university of architecture and building. English version appendix to NN 1-4, 2013 Tomsk 2013,p 36-42.
  • Effektivnost' podatlivogo opiraniya pri dinamicheskih nagruzkah na primere opertoj po konturu zhelezobetonnoj plity. (Efficiency of yielding supporting at dynamic loads on the example of 2-way reinforced concrete slab.) / Maksimov V / Science and education in the life of modern society: a collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on November 29, 2013 in 18 parts. Part 16. Mr. Obr. and russian science. Tambov: Business-Science-Society, 2013. Page. 80-83.
  • Konstruirovanie energoresursosberegayushchih naruzhnyh trekhslojnyh panelej (Designing energy-saving outdoor three-layer panels) / Ovsyannikov S, Maksimov V / Construction of energy-efficient full-collection housing of the economic class: problems and solutions: a collection of scientific works. Tomsk: Tom." State. archit.-builds. un-tha, 2014. Page. 57-60.
  • Prochnost' i deformativnost' zhelezobetonnyh balok i plit na podatlivyh oporah pri intensivnom dinamicheskom nagruzhenii (Strength and deformability of reinforced concrete beams and slabs on yielding supports under intense dynamic loading) / Kumpyak O. Galyautdinov Z. Kokorin D. Maksimov V/ Concrete and reinforced concrete - a look into the future. Scientific works of the III All-Russian (II international) conference on concrete and reinforced concrete in 7 volumes. T.1. Theory of reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete structures. Calculation and design. Moscow: MGSU, 2014. pp. 315-325
  • ZHelezobetonnye plity na podatlivyh oporah pri kratkovremennom dinamicheskom nagruzhenii (Reinforced concrete slabs on yielding supports under short-term dynamic loading) / Kumpyak O. Galyautdinov Z. Maksimov V/ Concrete and reinforced concrete 2014 No. 5 p. 16- 19
  • Issledovanie prochnosti i deformativnosti zhelezobetonnyh plit opertyh na podatlivyj kontur s uchetom raboty opor v uprugoj, uprugoplasticheskoj i stadii otverdeniya (The study of the strength and deformability of reinforced concrete slabs supported on a yielding contour, taking into account the work of the supports in the elastic, elastoplastic and hardening stages) / Maksimov V / Youth, science, technology: ideas and prospects (МНТ ‐ 2014). Materials of the I International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists - Tomsk: Vol. state architect build University, 2014. p. 25-26
  • Konstruktivnoe reshenie energoresursosberegayushchih naruzhnyh trekhslojnyh panelej (Constructive solution energy-saving outdoor three-layer panels) / Ovsyannikov S, Maksimov V/ Investments, construction and real estate as a material basis for modernization and innovative development of the economy: materials of the Fifth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation, March 10–13, 2015: at 2 a.m. - Tomsk: Vol. state ar- hit.-builds. University, 2015 .-- pp. 335-340
  • Experimental analysis and modeling of two-way reinforced concrete slabs over different kinds of yielding supports under short-term dynamic loading / Chiaia B, Kumpyak O, Placidi L, Maksimov V/ Engineering Structures 2015 №5 p. 88-99
  • Zhelezobetonnye plity, opertye po konturu na podatlivye opory pri kratkovremennom dinamicheskom vozdejstvii (Reinforced concrete slabs, supported along the contour by yielding supports under short-term dynamic impact) / Maksimov V / Modern problems of calculating reinforced concrete structures, buildings and structures for emergency impacts. Collection of reports of the International Conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Department of reinforced concrete and stone structures and the 100th anniversary of the professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences N.N. Popova p. 244-246 2016
  • 3D modelling of reinforced concrete slab with yielding supports subject to impact load / Kezmane A Chiaia B, Kumpyak O, Maksimov V, Placidi L / European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 2016 №20, p. 1-38
  • Energosberegayushchaya fasadnaya sistema dlya karkasno-panel'nogo zdaniya sistemy KUPASS (Energy-saving facade system for the frame-panel building of the KUPASS system) / Ovsyannikov S, Samohvalov A. Maksimov V / BST No. 6 (982) 2016 pp. 48-49
  • Novye konstruktivnye resheniya karkasno-panel'nogo doma (New constructive solutions of frame-panel house) / Ovsyannikov S, Maksimov V/ Khabarshi Bulletin of the Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyova №4 (113) 2016 p. 484-489 (Astana, Kazakhstan)
  • Podzemnye etazhi zdanij i sooruzhenij kak sovremennoe arhitekturnoe reshenie megapolisov (The underground floors of buildings and structures as modern architectural solution of megacities) / Maksimov V, Altybekov A. Kemerbaeva A / Materials of the 64th University Scientific and Technical M 34 Conference of Students and Young Scientists [Electron. textual data.]. - Tomsk: Publishing house Tom. state architect build University, 2018. Pages 542 - 545.
  • Energosberegayushchaya naruzhnaya ograzhdayushchaya stenovaya konstrukciya karkasno- panel'nogo zdaniya (Energy-saving exterior wall cladding of a frame-panel building) / Ovsyannikov S, Maksimov V / International Scientific Conference "Energy and Resource Efficiency for Sustainable Development" / abstract of the conference report
  • Raschet dliny podatlivoj opory (Calculation of the length of the yielding support) / Kumpyak O. Galyautdinov Z. Maksimov V / “Loleitov Readings-150” Modern methods for calculating reinforced concrete and stone structures according to limiting conditions. Collection of reports of the International scientific-practical conference, Moscow, from 201 - 204.
  • Energoeffektivnye naruzhnye stenovye paneli karkasno-panel'nyh zdanij (Energy efficient exterior wall panels prefabricated buildings) / Ovsyannikov S, Maksimov V / Vestnik of Tomsk state university of architecture and building. Tomsk. 2018 №6, p. 107-114.
  • Experimental and numerical simulation of fracture of reinforced concrete slabs on rigid supports / Radchenko P, Maksimov V, Batuev S, Radchenko A / July 2019 conference: SOLARPACES 2018: International conference on concentrating solar power and chemical energy systems.
  • Two-Dimensional Analysis of Size Effects in Strain-Gradient Granular Solids with Damage-Induced Anisotropy Evolution / Maksimov, V., Barchiesi, E., Misra, A., Placidi, L. & Timofeev, D. (2021). Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 147(11).
  • On a hemi-variational formulation for a 2D elasto-plastic-damage strain gradient solid with granular microstructure / Luca Placidi, Emilio Barchiesi, Francesco Dell'Isola, Valerii Maksimov, Anil Misra, Nasrin Rezaei, Angelo Scrofani, Dmitry Timofeev / Mathematics in Engineering, AIMS, 2022, 5, pp.1 - 24.
  • Micro-mechano-morphology-informed continuum damage modeling with intrinsic 2nd gradient (pantographic) grain–grain interactions / Luca Placidi, Dmitry Timofeev, Valerii Maksimov, Emilio Barchiesi, Alessandro Ciallella, Anil Misra, Francesco dell’Isola / International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volumes 254–255, 2022,


  • Tenzometricheskij datchik izmereniya sily so svojstvom zhivuchesti i nizkim urovnem shumov pri dejstvii udarnoj nagruzki (Strain gauge force transducer with survivability and low noise level when subjected to shock load) / Plevkov V, Odnokopylov G, Maksimov V, Rakova V / Brevetto per modello di utilità di Feredazione Russa № 96655. (2010)
  • Stend dlya ispytaniya opertyh po konturu zhelezobetonnyh plit (Test bench for contour-supported reinforced concrete slabs) / Kumpyak O, Odnokopylov G, Galyautdinov Z, Maksimov V / Brevetto per modello di utilità di Feredazione Russa № 128716. (2013)
  • stend dlya opredeleniya energopogloshcheniya podatlivoj opory pri kratkovremennom dinamicheskom nagruzhenii (test bench for determining the energy consumption of a yielding support under short-term dynamic loading) / Kumpyak O, Odnokopylov G, Bal A, Kokorin D, Maksimov V / Brevetto per modello di utilità di Feredazione Russa № 103617. (2011)
  • Energosberigayushchaya fasadnaya konstrukciya dlya karkasno-panel'nogo zdaniya (Energy-saving facade construction for a frame and panel building) / Ovsyannikov S, Maksimov V / Brevetto eurasiatico per invenzione № 029292
  • sistema zashchity stroitel'nyh konstrukcij ot sverhnormativnyh vzryvnyh, udarnyh i sejsmicheskih vozdejstvij (a system for protecting building structures against excessive blast, impact and seismic effects) / Kumpyak O, Odnokopylov G, Galyautdinov Z, Maksimov V, Galyautdinov D / Brevetto per invenzione di Feredazione Russa № 2649207
  • Sposob ispytaniya i opredeleniya stepeni zhivuchesti zhelezobetonnoj konstrukcii pri sverhnormativnom odnokratnom dinamicheskom vozdejstvii (Method for testing and determining the survivability of reinforced concrete structure under over-normative single dynamic action) / Kumpyak O, Odnokopylov G, Galyautdinov Z, Maksimov V, Galyautdinov D / Brevetto eurasiatico per invenzione №030362

Lista di pubblicazioni in libri e cataloghi

Lista di pubblicazioni in atti di convegno

  • Experimental analysis and numerical simulations of two-way reinforced concrete slabs over different kinds of yielding supports under short-term dynamic loading / Chiaia B, Kumpyak O, Kezmane A. Placidi L, Maksimov V / AIMETA 2015 Atti del XII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata Genova, 14-17 Settembre 2015 a cura di Luigi Gambarotta e Angelo Morro ISBN 978-88-97752-55-4 p. 217

  • Time dependent (dynamic) analysis of fracture propagation in 2D strain-gradient granular solids / V. Maksimov, L. Placidi, E. Barchiesi, A. Misra, F. J. León Trujillo / ICoNSoM 2022 International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, 13-16 June 2022, Alghero, Italy

Totale dei prodotti di ricerca: 36

Tesi di dottorato

Suggerimenti sul corso

Gentile Dottorando, una volta all'anno - durante tutta la durata del corso di Dottorato - le verrà richiesto di partecipare a un questionario di valutazione del corso di Dottorato. La partecipazione al questionario viene registrata in forma anonima ed è inteso a individuare aree potenzialmente positive e negative all'interno di un processo continuo di miglioramento.
Nel frattempo, comunque, può utilizzare questo spazio per indicare proposte e suggerimenti al fine di migliorare il corso di Dottorato.