Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Contract with the student

The present contract, together with the Charter of Services, the Didactic University Rules and the Feasibility Programme formalizes the agreement between International Telematic University UNINETTUNO,called since now on "University" and Mr/Ms
____________________________born in_______________________, living in______________
Str./Sq/etc ________________________________________________, n. _____, zip code_________________
Town ________________________ (____), nationality: __________________, called "the Student" since now on


Art.1 - Nature and purpose of the contract

The present contract is undersigned in compliance with art. 4, DM 17 April 2003 [GU n. 98 of 29 Aprile 2003], and represents the formal act by which the two Parties engage themselves in the achievement of the educational goals which are among the institutional aims of the University and are accepted by the Student, accordingly with the course of study in which he has enrolled:__________________________________________________.

Art. 2 - Grant of the right to study

The University engages itself in granting the continuity and systematic nature of the delivery of educational services, according with criteria of efficiency and efficacy, safeguarding the right to study of the Student, in compliance with the provisions of the University Didactic Rules and of the Charter of Services; the University engages itself in issuing the titles ex art. 3, of the DM 17 April 2003 and ex art. 2, para. 2 of the D.M 17/4/2003.

Art. 3 - Description of the services and guarantee of their usability

The University engages itself in keeping usable the activities and the educational services on line, according to the directions in the Charter of Services and in the Technological Solutions File; in particular, the University engages itself in delivering systematically, continuously and without interruptions the following services:

Educational services, Information services, Tutoring services, Intelligent Library, Orientation services, Administrative secretariat services, Research services.

The access to services with technological standards already organized for disabled students is granted, according to the provisions of the University Didactic Rules and the Charter of Services.

Art. 4 - Description of the technological solutions and guarantee of usability

The University grants the usability of the following main tools for the delivery of educational services and educational and information supports: Interactive classroom, e-learning platform, web portal.

Art. 5 - Engagement of the Student

The Student engages himself in achieving his/her own didactic and professional aims within the chosen curriculum, in the full respect of the provisions of the University Didactic Rules, of the Didactic Rules and Didactic Regulations:

The student wishing to take the exam for a course has to fill in the “Students’ Opinion” questionnaire before booking the exam. The submission of the questionnaire is compulsory for booking the exam. The University assures that these data will be utilized anonymously.

Art. 6 - Integration of services for special users

In order to meet needs connected to motor impairments the University assures the access to the premises of Piazza Grazioli 17 in Rome. In order to meet needs connected to visual impairments the University assures the access to a workstation for visually impaired people (Braille) in the premises of Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 39, Rome.

Art. 7 - Duration and clauses

The duration of this contract is equal to the student’s stay in the University. The academic year starts from the day of first matriculation and lasts one calendar year.
The Student can lodge a petition in case of:

  • Disservice referred to a claim and to a request of compensation;
  • Non-fulfilment of the withdrawal from the contract itself.

The University reserves the right to suspend the delivery of the service in case of breach of the contract on the side of the Student.
In case of any dispute, the competent court is the court of Rome.

Rome on, _______________________


The Manager


The Student


  __________________   __________________


Consent collection

(Only for students enrolled under specific agreements)

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (hereafter referred to a UNINETTUNO), based in Rome (Italy), Corso Vittorio Emanuele II n. 39 (Fiscal Code Nr. 97394340588), in its capacity of “Holder of the Treatment”, asks you to express your consent as regards the treatment of specific personal data that are required to apply you a discounted rate on the normal university enrolment fees, by inviting you to read in advance our privacy statement as the EU Regulation 2016/679 that is available in our website on:
https://www.uninettunouniversity.net/it/informativa-privacy-studenti.aspx .
UNINETTUNO entered into agreements with some associations or boards giving right to benefit from a reduction of the university fees in favor of the associates or members of the board and in favor of their relatives.
The membership in the association or board may disclose your own, or those of a relative of yours, health conditions, religious or philosophical beliefs or political opinions and trade unions membership.
Consequently, only for the purpose of being in a position to apply the university fees reduction envisaged by the agreements, we kindly ask you to express your consent or decline it, by ticking the relative circle, as regards the collection of personal data which may disclose your health conditions, your religious or philosophical beliefs, your political opinions or trade unions membership.
We wish to remind you that, without your own consent or that of the concerned relative, we will not be able to apply the envisaged reduction of the university fees and that, at any time, you will be able to withdraw the given consent, by sending us a written notice by post or e-mail to the addresses available in the privacy statement or in the University’s website; in this case you will not be able to benefit from the fees reduction for the subsequent academic years.

Only for the purpose of applying a reduction of the university fees envisaged by the agreements, I give my consent to the treatment of my personal data which can disclose my:

Health conditions

  • I give my consent
  • I decline my consent

Political opinions

  • I give my consent
  • I decline my consent

Religious or philosophical beliefs

  • I give my consent
  • I decline my consent

Trade unions membership

  • I give my consent
  • I decline my consent


Signature of the student or of the concerned relative (please add personal details)

