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Digital Talk: “Digital Innovation in the Public Administration”


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“Digital Innovation in Public Administration”


From the regulations on privacy to the code of digital administration to learn about the practical application of digital governance: this is the focus of the Conference taking place on the 20th March 2018, at 10 am at UNINETTUNO Multimedia Hall on the occasion of the launch of the course on “Digital Administration Law” (Law Faculty), delivered by prof. Fulvio Sarzana. 

The event is part of the "Digital Talks" cycle, created by UNINETTUNO to think about the changes that Digital Innovation is bringing to our society. This time they are going to discuss about Technological innovation in P.A. and to do so, UNINETTUNO involved the protagonists of the local and national digital governance.

Among the participants to this one-day event, which will be introduced by the Rector, prof. Maria Amata Garito and moderated by prof. Fulvio Sarzana, there will be the Municipal Councilor to Mobility of Rome Capital, Linda Meleo, who will speak about the technological innovations in the field of local transportations and the Municipal Councilor to “Roma Semplice (Simple Rome)”, Flavia Marzano. The Commander of the Privacy Special Team of the Guardia di Finanza, Marco Menegazzo, will explain the penalties which businesses and public administrations may incur, starting from the 24th May 2018, if they will not comply with the rules envisaged by the European General Regulation on Privacy (GDPR).

The lawyer, Andrea Lisi, President of Anorc, the association gathering all the professionals working on digital documents keeping, will carry on an analysis of the latest amendments of the Digital Administration Code.

This series of speeches will be completed by the experiences of the Court of Auditors, of the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato and of AGID (Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale – Agency of Digital Italy).