Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Discipline Psicosociali

The University Degree Course in Psychosocial Disciplines of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO matches, in an innovating way, the scientific knowledge derived from psychological research and cognitive neurosciences to the knowledge derived from the heritage of humanities and education sciences, without neglecting the acquisition of technical-professional tools that are essential to access the labor world. In this respect, this degree course fosters the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of professional skills that can be exploited in various operational contexts, such as psychosocial consulting, psychometric evaluation, human resource management, training and guidance, welfare and health care promotion, in private as well as in public organizations, and both in enterprises and non- profit organizations. The course offers the possibility to deepen fundamental issues within the discipline, such as the study of intrapsychic structures and processes, the dynamics that characterize human relationships and the psychophysiological mechanisms underlying behavior. The study of these topics is carried out through the integration of activities, individual and group, aimed at the acquisition of theoretical foundations of general psychology, social and development of appropriate operational skills, such as the methodology of psychosocial survey, statistical methods and skills on communication and information technologies. Thanks to the video lessons of distinguished national and international scholars, supplemented by multimedia teaching materials, exercises, virtual classrooms and other tools for analysis, study and assessment, the students of the Faculty are constantly followed in their path by tutors, researchers and area teachers, in a continuous and stimulating learning interaction and personal growth.

Employment and professional opportunities

The course prepares for the professions of care and welfare specialists in the field of development, rehabilitation, and support in educational processes, in the field of work and organizations and in the clinical and community sectors.

المشرف الفني ومشرف الدورة الدراسية

مشرف الدورة الدراسية
- Tancredi Pascucci tancredi.pascucci@uninettunouniversity.net
المشرف الفني
- Letizia Flamini l.flamini@uninettunouniversity.net