Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economia e gestione delle imprese (Anno Accademico 2024/2025) - Economia e Governo d'Impresa

Marketing (new edition)

Docenti video: Carlo Alberto Pratesi - Università Roma Tre (Roma - Italy)


Lezione n. 1: The Marketing process

   The different approaches

   Corporate Governance & Marketing
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Lezione n. 2: The Business plan
   What is Business Plan

   Strategic Marketing Components

   Operative Marketing Components

   Business Startegy Components
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Lezione n. 3: The Company identity
   "Value creation" concept

   Mission construction

   Vision creation

   Promoting the Company identity
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Lezione n. 4: The Market drivers
   "Value creation" deepening

   Understanding the "Demand"

   How to serve the Demand
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Lezione n. 5: External analysis
   What is intended for "External Analysis"

   5 Forces Porter's Model

   3 С Omahe's Model
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Lezione n. 6: Internal analysis
   What is intended for "Internal Analysis"

   Value Chain Porter's Model

   Resource & Competencies Model
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Lezione n. 7: SWOT and Strategic guidelines
   What is intended for "SWOT-anaysis"

   Strenghts & Weaknesses

   Opportunities & Threats

   Strategic guidelines
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Lezione n. 8: Market researches
   What is intended for "Market researches"

   The process

   Quantitative vs Qualitative researches
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Lezione n. 9: Market value
   What is intended for "Market value"

   Market share

   Forecasting the demand
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Lezione n. 10: Positioning
   What is intended for "Positioning"

   BCG matrix

   McKinsey matrix
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Lezione n. 11: Value proposition
   What is intended for "Value proposition"

   Developing your own Positioning

   Evaluating your own Positioning
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Lezione n. 12: «The Place»
   What is intended for "Marketing Mix"

   Channel selection

   Sales organization set-up
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Lezione n. 13: «The Price» Part one
   What is intended for "Price"

   Key indicators to set-up pricing
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Lezione n. 14: «The Price» Part two
   What is intended for "Price"

   The correct set-up

   Other specific pricing strategies
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Lezione n. 15: «The Product» Part one
   What is intended for "Product"

   Product perception

   Product mix
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Lezione n. 16: «The Product» Part two
   What is intended for "Product"

   Brand management

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Lezione n. 17: «The Promotion»
   What is intended for "Promotion"

   Promo mix

   Promotion management
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Lezione n. 18: International Marketing

   Markets selection

   Entrance strategies
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Lezione n. 19: B-B process

   Decision process
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Lezione n. 20: B-C process
   "The consumer"

   The purchasing process
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