Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economia e gestione delle imprese (Anno Accademico 2015/2016) - Financial management

English Language

CFU: 3
Lingua contenuti:Inglese
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
Learning takes place independently, through online use consisting of 11 lessons, which carry out a syllabus leading from level A1 to level B1 of knowledge of the language. An essential part of the teaching is the acquisition of technical terminology, which completes the language learning, also through the study of extra material. The interactive classes, moreover, live or subsequently accessible as recorded, represent a useful moment as a place for in-depth study. For the study of the morphosyntax of the English language, a reference text is indicated.

Basic language and communication competence (A1 CEFR).
The course aims to develop the four skills of reading, listening, writing, speaking, related to general English language contexts, and to acquire the essential terminology of Business English.

The course is structured in 11 lessons, which cover the syllabus from a morphosyntactic, lexical and terminological point of view, from level A1 to B1. Through the interactive classes the student takes part in an exchange and comparison, in which they can review and evaluate their acquisitions.

•  Lesson n.1: Past, present perfect and past perfect

•  Lesson n. 2: The futures

•  Lesson n. 3: Conditional, imperative, infinitive, gerund, participle

•  Lesson n. 4: the modals: capacity and possibility

•  Lesson n. 5: the modals: duty, necessity, obligation, deduction

•  Lesson n. 6: the main subordinate clauses

•  Lesson n. 7: some special clauses

•  Lesson n. 8: direct and indirect speech

•  Lesson n. 9: indefinite pronouns and adjectives

•  Lesson n. 10: the conditionals

•  Lesson n. 11: the passives and other special uses

1. concerning the morphosyntactic study of the language, choosing from a written text in English:
R. Murphy English Grammar in Use for intermediate students with answers, Cambridge University Press;

                                                                   or in Italian:

M. Vince, L. Pallini, English Grammar Practice for Italian with key Students, Macmillan & Heinemann.

Texts or manuals, however, that cover a course of study from level A1 to B1 can be adopted, depending on one's personal choice

2. with regard to the essential terminology of Business English, it consists of a Glossary, included as teaching material in the Course Webpage
The exercises are intended to represent the gradual application of learning, and consist of multiple-choice tests, revision tests and preparatory tests for the exam.
Docente/Tutor Responsabile insegnamento
Nessun Docente attualmente disponibile per questo corso
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