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On Tuesday, the 12th May, at 5 pm, the Digital Talk, comprised in the cycle organized by UNINETTUNO during the Covid-19 emergency, entitled “The Tightness of the Economic System between Financial Markets and Investments”, will be held online.
Book presentations just a click away to support the publishing industry and promote reading in this emergency times.
L'Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno ha organizzato venerdì 8 maggio, alle 17:00, in diretta streaming su e sulla Pagina FB Uninettuno, il Digital [...]
On Tuesday, May the 5th , at 5 pm,the second Digital Talk, comprised in the cycle organized by UNINETTUNO during the Covid-19 emergency, entitled “Emergency and its Conflicts” will be held online.
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO launches a cycle of Digital Talks entitled: "The Covid-19 Emergency and its Democratic, Economic and Social Emergencies” that will be live streamed on UNINETTUNO’s platform and on the University’s FB page.
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was included among the ten best European online Universities and is the only Italian University in the ranking compiled by, the most influential European portal of distance higher education, point of [...]
Some of the signatures of today’s Italian journalism become the protagonists of the video lessons realized by the Uninettuno
On the 12th and 13th March 2020, twenty-two candidates of the Psychology Faculty of the UNINETTUNO University had the possibility of discussing their graduation theses online through Interactive Classrooms, implemented for this purpose by the U [...]
On the 24/02/2020, the Ministerial Decree of the 23rd December 2019, n° 1171, laying down elucidations on the three-year programming concerning the establishment of study courses, was officially withdrawn by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MI [...]