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On December the 18th, at 6 pm, UNINETTUNO devotes an evening of music and poetry to the presentation, in a preview event, to the video collection telling about the success stories of second-generation refugees and immigrants.
Education as key factor for inclusion: this is the issue on which the speech of UNINETTUNO was based at the round table that took place in Milan in the framework of the initiatives organized by UNESCO for the launch of the "Global Education Monitoring Report of the "Global Education M [...]
Today UNINETTUNO is at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation participating in panel to prepare the Italian participation in Dubai 2020 Expo.
Cyber-archaeology, archaeometric applications, digitalization of archeological heritages: here are some of the strong points of the agreement signed yesterday between the Cultural Heritage Faculty of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the Department of Mediterranean Studies of the [...]
This year again, UNINETTUNO participates in the Maker Faire Rome -The European Edition, the most important event on innovation in Europe, taking place from the 12th to 14th October at Fiera di Roma.
Yesterday, there has been an important meeting between the Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito, and Prof. Mashhoor Abdullah Al-Refai, Rector of the Princess Sumaya University for Technology of Aman, Jordan, in the course of which they defined the lines for a cooperation between the two universities.&nb [...]
At UNINETTUNO’s studios, the production of the "FIEST - Formation Internationale à l'Écriture de Séries TV" video lessons has just started with Prof. Cédric Salmon
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO realized an Internet-based portal, The University for Refugees – Education without Boundaries allowing refugees and immigrants to access the University from anywhere across the world, thus developing a great laboratory for true i [...]
Il convegno farà il punto sul progetto "Future", di cui UNINETTUNO è partner, a sostegno dei minori stranieri non accompagnati e che sfrutta la forza trainante dell’innovazione tecnologica come strumento di integrazione culturale.