Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in European Union Studies: Cultures and History, Policies and Global Perspectives (Academic Year 2023/2024)

MODULO 2 - History, Institutions and Protagonists of the European Union


Lesson n. 1: The History of European Union as seen by its Actors: The History of the European Communities 1947/1979
   The History of the European Union - 1947/49

   The History of the European Union - 1950/54

   The History of the European Union - 1955/68

   The History of the European Union - 1969/79 - I

   The History of the European Union - 1969/79 - II

   The History of the European Union - 1969/79 - III

   The History of the European Union - 1969/79 - IV
Go to this slide Filippo Maria Pandolfi
Lesson n. 2: The History of European Union as seen by its Actors: The History of the Communities and the Birth of the European Union 1979/1997
   The History of the European Union - 1979

   The History of the European Union - 1979/84 - I

   The History of the European Union - 1979/84 - II

   The History of the European Union - 1985

   The History of the European Union - 1986

   The History of the European Union - 1987/89

   The History of the European Union - 1990/91

   The History of the European Union - 1992/93

   The History of the European Union - 1994/95

   The History of the European Union - 1995

   The History of the European Union - 1996/97
Go to this slide Pier Virgilio Dastoli
Lesson n. 3: The History of European Union as seen by its Actors: The History of the European Union from 1998 up to Today. Future Prospects
   1998/99 – The crisis of the Institutions

   1999 – Commission's Agenda

   2000/2004 – The enlargement of the Union

   2000/2004 – The reform of the Institutions

   2000/2004 – The revision of the treaties

   2000/2004 – The reform of the policies

   2005/2006 - The future of European Union
Go to this slide Romano Prodi
Lesson n. 4: The History of European Union as seen by its Actors: The European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
   European space of security and justice - Part I

   European space of security and justice - Part II

   European space of security and justice - Part III

   European space of security and justice - Part IV

   European space of security and justice - Part V
Go to this slide Franco Frattini
Lesson n. 5: The History of European Union as seen by its Actors: Common Foreign and Security Policy
   The foreign and security policy

   The security and defense policy

   The international role of the European Union

   The first enlargement

   The future enlargement

   The transatlantic relationships
Go to this slide Filippo Maria Pandolfi
Lesson n. 6: The History of European Union as seen by its Actors: The Single Currency
   The unique coin

   The European Central Bank

   The economic and monetary union

   The coordination of the economic policies

   The policy of the competition
Go to this slide Mario Monti
Lesson n. 7: The evolution of the decision-making process of the European Institutions Rocco Cangelosi
Lesson n. 8: The structure of the Lisbon treaty Rocco Cangelosi
Lesson n. 9: The Institutional framework of the EU: the European Council and the Council of the EU Rocco Cangelosi
Lesson n. 10: The Institutional framework of the EU: the European Parliament and the role of the National Parliaments Rocco Cangelosi
Lesson n. 11: The Institutional framework of the EU: the Commission and the Court of Justice of the European Union Rocco Cangelosi
Lesson n. 12: The Institutional framework of the EU: the European Central Bank, the Committee of Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee Rocco Cangelosi
Lesson n. 13: The European area of freedom, security and justice: scope, dynamics and perspectives

   The Treaty of Rome – 1957

   The Trevi Group - 1976


   The Maastricht Treaty – 1993

   The Amsterdam Treaty – 1999
Go to this slide Rocco Cangelosi
Lesson n. 14: The European area of freedom, security and justice after the Lisbon Treaty

   Specific provisions on police cooperation

   The European Prosecutor Office (EPPO)


   The EU’s Action in the Area of judicial cooperation in civil matters

Go to this slide Rocco Cangelosi
Lesson n. 15: Withdrawal from the European Union - Art. 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon
   Before the withdrawal

   After the withdrawal

   Review Questions
Pier Virgilio Dastoli
Lesson n. 16: The Future of EU after Brexit Referendum
   The crisis of EU

   The solution of crisis

   Review Questions
Pier Virgilio Dastoli