Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in European Union Studies: Cultures and History, Policies and Global Perspectives (Academic Year 2023/2024)

MODULO 7 - European Funding and Europlanning

Credits: 8
Content language:English
Course description

The ten video-lectures comprising the module gives the tool for preparing, submitting and managing a European project taking into account both the policy of the European Union and the needs of European research and innovation galaxy. Once started the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, these video-lectures offer the tools to cope with the current challenges the European Union is facing with. Furthermore, about the project’s formulation, a specific section of this course (from lesson 7 to 10) deepens the Proposal drafting and Project management techniques.


No particular prerequisites are needed to attend the course


This course is designed to provide students with all the competence related to the European project from the idea generation up to the proposal submission. After engaging with the contents presented in this course, including the associated exercises, readings and multimedia material, each student will gain different competences. In detail awareness about: the main characteristics of the European projects; the developments of a proposal aiming at obtain EU funds in the field of the so called “Direct funds”; the role of the European Commission and its Executive Agencies in evaluation and managing proposal considered eligible for funding.


These video-lectures deals with European project preparation from the drafting phase up to the project’s execution. Particular focus has been dedicated to the most recent European policies i.e. the European Green Deal and opportunities for a greener Europe. Also the latest developments in terms initiatives adopted in time of unforeseen event such as the pandemic.


At the end of this module, the student is expected to answer to open questions related to the main issues the video-lectures refer to.

Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Vanni Resta
Video professors
Prof. Vanni Resta - Docente Sapienza Università di Roma, Ambasciatore Patto europeo per il clima, Presidente Fondazione Manlio Resta (Roma - Italia)
List of lessons
Vanni Resta
Vanni Resta
Vanni Resta
Vanni Resta
Vanni Resta
Vanni Resta
Vanni Resta
Vanni Resta
Vanni Resta
Vanni Resta