Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Academic Year 2022/2023)

Theories and tools for psychosocial evaluating

Content language:Italian
Course description
The course examines the ways in which individuals develop and represent their social context. In the first part of the course presents the theoretical models and tools of investigation within social cognition approach. It deals with the classic themes of the discipline (training and functions of the self, impressions of personality) and shows the new fields of research of the discipline. The second part of the course focuses on basic topics of the discipline as such as the study of attitudes, social influence and stereotypes.
We recommend the student to be in possession of the basic notions of general psychology
The course aims: a) to illustrate the fundamental features and assumptions of social cognition, b) to highlight the main contribution of social psychology in the study of perception of self and social context c) to provide the basic knowledge on the topic of attitudes and stereotypes, with particular attention to formation and change processes.

1) Epistemology of discipline (from video-lessons 1 to 3). the course begins with the introduction of basic description conceptual foundations and methodologies implied in social psychology. moreover, the definition of social cognition, and the difference between controlled and automatic cognitive processes are presented.

2) Perception of individuals and groups (from video-lessons 4 to 8). this part focuses on cognitive processes involved in the formation of impressions of individuals and groups and on how individuals are interpreted based on their behavior .

3) Self (from video-lessons 9 to15). it investigates self-related topics as such as the self as an object of knowledge, autobiographical memory, the multiplicity of selves, the evaluation of the self, the self in action.

4) Attitudes (from video-lessons 16 to 24). this part focuses on the definition of the concept of attitudes, their structure and function, and the ways in which they are assessed. the affective processes, motivational and cognitive implied in attitude formation and change are also presented.

5) Social Influence (from video-lessons 25 to 29). it focuses on the cognitive processes of systematic processing of social information. in particular, it examines the role of the social context in the formation of attitudes and the processes that hinder the change of attitudes of individuals within social groups.

6) Stereotypes (from video-lessons 30 to 34). the final part of the course illustrates the different theoretical approaches in the study of stereotypes. specifically, the activation of stereotypes: the consequences for perception, memory and social judgment, automatic activation of stereotypes are presented.

David G. Myers (2013). Social Psychology, 11/e. McGraw-Hill. (Chapters : 1, 2, 3. 4, 6, 8, 9)
The video lessons are connected to monitoring exercises, designed to monitor student learning in each subject area.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
List of lessons
Luciano Arcuri
Luciano Arcuri
Stefano Boca
Stefano Boca
Stefano Boca
Stefano Boca
Stefano Boca
Stefano Boca
Luciano Arcuri
Luciano Arcuri
Luciano Arcuri
Luciano Arcuri
Luciano Arcuri
Luciano Arcuri
Luciano Arcuri
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Chiara Volpato
Chiara Volpato
Chiara Volpato
Chiara Volpato
Chiara Volpato
Stefano Boca
Stefano Boca
Stefano Boca
Stefano Boca
Stefano Boca