Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Academic Year 2022/2023)

Computer and legal logic

Credits: 4
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course of logic and legal informatics is divided into two sections. The first, is applied to the analysis of legal reasoning, therefore, of 'interpretation and argumentation. The second, however, relates to that particular relationship that is established between law and computer science, or more generally between law and new technologies.
The main objective of this course is to provide the learner with a verse in the basic tools of logical analysis of the speech, and the legal discourse in particular, and on the other hand, to introduce the basics of legal informatics and IT law, whereas the sector is constantly evolving regulatory and technical.
The topics covered in the lectures concern the fundamental concepts of legal logic, the compatibility between logic and law, the relationship between logic and the concept of truth, the structure of the legal syllogism, the syllogism as a verification of the legal logic, the standard legal interpretation as a product, and the general principles of the analogy and the scope of legal informatics, and the information society; digitized information as a matter marketable; computer science as a science that supports the legal activity and regulatory law as computer activities, the right to privacy, some crimes related to computer science, the responsibility of the ISP.
Legal logic: R. Guastini, ll diritto come linguaggio, Giappichelli, 2006 (Part I, capp. I, II, III, V, VI; Part II, cap. IX; Part III, capp. IV, V, VI). Legal informatics: G. Taddei Elmi, Corso di informatica giuridica, Edizioni Simone, 2010.
Each student will be able to check their level of learning by carrying out self-evaluation exercises on the topics covered in the video lesson. These tests consist of one or more questions that require an answer in an open form. The solution of these questions will be the subject of comparison in the offices of virtual interaction (forum, chat).
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
List of lessons
Giorgio Pino
    •  Lesson n. 2: Logica  Go to this lesson
Giorgio Pino
Giorgio Pino
Giorgio Pino
    •  Lesson n. 5: Interpretare  Go to this lesson
Giorgio Pino
Giorgio Pino
Giorgio Pino
    •  Lesson n. 8: Privacy  Go to this lesson
Giorgio Pino
Giorgio Pino
Giorgio Pino
Giorgio Pino
Giorgio Pino