Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Academic Year 2018/2019)

Semiotics and language

Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course provides the theoretical basis for semiotic and linguistic studies as well as a general descriptive framework for the study of the specific uses of language and/or foreign languages. Building on the concept of "sign," rendered as a multidimensional image, we investigate different types of codes and languages, illustrating the salient properties of each. The third part of the course focuses on the prominent communicative tool of human communities, languages, for which the general semiotic characters are presented, weaving analyses with an eye towards the ultimate goals of language: cognition and interaction. Finally, an initial investigation of the special purposes of languages, and different types of discourse and texts, introduces the application of theoretical knowledge in order to navigate the complex and varied universe of the concrete manifestations of verbal language.
There are no prerequisites.
The intention of this course is to allow the student to gradually develop a solid theoretical framework in terms of: being able to recognize a semiological code and analyze its main features, being able to recognize a language as such and analyze its main features, being able to embrace a complex and dynamic vision of verbal language as well as the creativity of language, being able to embrace a complex and dynamic vision of communication processes, in particular those based on verbal language, becoming familiar with the basic elements of historical and descriptive linguistics, becoming familiar with the basic elements of textual linguistics and the study of the concrete manifestations of verbal language.
The course covers the following topics:
  • What is semiotics?
  • What is meant by "sign" and what are its dimensions?
  • The classification of signs
  • What is meant by "code" and "language" and what are their dimensions?
  • The classification of codes and languages
  • What unites a language with other semiotic codes?
  • What distinguishes a language from other semiotic codes?
  • What is meant by the “creativity” of language?
  • What are the consequences, and trade-offs, of the creativity of language?
  • What are the main criteria for the classification of languages?
  • What are the main criteria for the classification of the uses of languages?

Tullio De Mauro, Guida all’uso delle parole, Editori Riuniti o Tullio De Mauro, Prima lezione sul linguaggio, Laterza;  S. GENSINI, Elementi di semiotica, Carocci, Roma 2002; Tullio De Mauro, Minisemantica dei linguaggi non verbali e delle lingue, Bari: Laterza, 1982 (or: Tullio De Mauro, Lezioni di linguistica teorica, Bari: Laterza, 2008). 

In addition to the required texts we recommend for further study:

- T. DE MAURO, Guida all’uso delle parole, Editori Riuniti, Roma 2003, o T. DE MAURO, Prima lezione sul linguaggio, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2013 (il testo che non è stato adottato come testo obbligatorio);
- S. GENSINI, Fare comunicazione. Teoria ed esercizi, Carocci, Roma 2011.
The self-assessment tests quantify the level of learning with reference to individual lessons: they consist of multiple choice questions with solutions, so that the student can personally check any errors. The verification tests quantify the level of learning with respect to each macro-topic. They are "open" questions to which the student provides a written response (with no limits on length). The student will be invited to give herself/himself a score ranging from 1 to 10, which will then be compared to the score given by the tutor. These tests will have deadlines. The tutor will make evaluations according to the following parameters:
  • Strength of the theoretical framework employed (a few clear concepts are better than many confused ones)
  • Completeness of the theoretical framework employed and ability to identify connections
  • Ability to apply theoretical concepts to the analysis of detailed case studies
  • Ability to summarize and expositional clarity
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
List of lessons
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
    •  Lesson n. 11: La Sinonimia  Go to this lesson
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro