Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Archaeological Management Policies

Content language:English
Course description
The objective of ARCHAEOMAP is to develop balanced, interrelated policies with an integrated coastal zone management focus. In this context ten Mediterranean archaeological coastal pilot sites will be analysed. It aims to protect environmental resources and bio-cultural diversity, to support socio-economic development through cultural tourism. ARCHAEOMAP proposes an interdisciplinary research agenda and capacity-building aiming at improving the relationship of Mediterranean people with their marine environment. Its targets are to assess the ecological, social and economic dimensions of maritime culture loss and the reduction of this loss. The project uses its network of pilot sites as vehicles for knowledge-sharing, research and monitoring, education and training, and participatory decision-making. ARCHAEOMAP seeks to provide context-specific opportunities to combine scientific knowledge and forms of governance using an inter-disciplinary methodology. ARCHAEOMAP pilot sites can also serve as learning and demonstration sites in the framework of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014/DESD). Piloted by an International Committee, ARCHAEOMAP will encourage an interdisciplinary focus on research in natural and social sciences, as well as demonstration and training activities involving issues of natural and cultural resource management. ARCHAEOMAP centres its interest in sustainable development, stressing importance of conservation and rational utilisation of costal zone resources. Against an interdisciplinary and intercultural backdrop referred to the UNESCO scientific coordination, the ARCHAEOMAP International Committee will encourage scientific research and collection of information without overlooking traditional knowledge of maritime resource management. Some ARCHAEOMAP’s pilot sites are inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The study of these pilot sites introduces innovation through its modern approaches aimed at conservation and sustainable development. They fall of course under the sovereign jurisdiction of the country concerned, sharing at the same time their experience and ideas at regional, national and international level. ARCHAEOMAP project will promote its large network of marine pilot sites in the Mediterranean basin, encouraging trans-boundary and serial nominations for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
- To educate international experts, professionals and consultants in preserving natural and cultural (tangible and intangible) heritage
- To promote a sustainability assessment methodology of environmental impacts based on sustainability indicators
- To get advice of advanced guidelines on environmental sustainability for underwater and coastal archaeological sites of the Mediterranean basin
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
Video professors
Prof. Emma Angelini - Politecnico di Torino (Torino - Italy)
Prof. Nicola Bruno - Università di Trieste (Trieste - Italy)
Prof. Sebastiano Tusa - Regione Siciliana Dipartimento Beni Culturali e Ambientali – Soprintendenza del Mare (SOPMARE) (Italy)
Prof. Salvatore Giannino - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Prof. Alaa El-Din Mahrous Mahmoud Ahmed - Department of Underwater Archaeology – Supreme Council of Antiquities (EGYPT-DUASCA) (Egypt)
Prof. Xavier Nieto Prieto - Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya (AMC) (Spain)
Prof. Sergio Frau - Associazione Archeo-Antropologica Approfondimenti Interdisciplinari Operativi (AAA.AIO’) (Italy)
Prof. Jean Mascle - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (France)
Prof. Jonathan Borg - Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna (WIRT ARTNA) (Malta)
Prof. Darren Fa - Gibraltar Museum (Gibraltar)
Prof. Alexandre Sursock - CNR of Lebanon (Lebanon)
Prof. Ulrike Koschtial - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Prof. Salvatore Brucato - Università di Palermo (Palermo - Italy)
Prof. Rita Cedrini - International Institute for the Study of Man - Istituto Internazionale per gli Studi dell' Uomo per l'Area Mediterranea (Interinstitute) (Italy)
List of lessons
Sebastiano Tusa
Sebastiano Tusa
Nicola Bruno
Ulrike Koschtial
Salvatore Giannino
Salvatore Brucato
Rita Cedrini
Alaa El-Din Mahrous Mahmoud Ahmed
Xavier Nieto Prieto
Sergio Frau
Jean Mascle
Jonathan Borg
Darren Fa
Alexandre Sursock