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Roma 22 maggio 2020 – Nell'ambito dei Digital Talks dedicati all'emergenza Covid-19, organizzati settimanalmente dall’Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno, si è svolto nella data del 21 maggio, alle 17:00, in diretta streaming sul sito e sulla Pagina Facebook dell'Ateneo, il webinar promosso dalla Facoltà di Giursisprudenza di Uninettuno dal titolo: "Le fonti del Diritto e l'organizzazione dello Stato alla prova dell'emergenza: chi governa i Diritti fondamentali?".
Rome, the 11th May - Book presentations just a click away to support the publishing industry and promote reading in this emergency times: this is how the idea of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and of the publishing houses, Piemme, Sperling & Kupfer, Mondadori Electa and Rizzoli Illustrati, named as “L’Italia che legge (The Italy that reads)” was born.
From novels to essays, from cartoons to illustrated books: a parade of literary genres and authors that, thanks to a video of a few minutes, present, “at distance” their own book to keep alive their relationship with the readers.
On May the 8th , the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO organizes, in live streaming, at 5 pm, on UNINETTUNO’s website and on FB page, the Digital Talk "Tutto il Mondo Fuori (All the World Outside)", introduced and moderated by Prof. Mons. Dario Edoardo Viganò, Dean UNINETTUNO’s Communication Sciences Faculty, with the participation of the actor, Ignazio Oliva, director of the documentary, of Reverend Marco Pozza, chaplain of the prison of Padua and of the producers, Nicola Salvi and Elisabetta Sola.