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Regulations of the Study Course
Specific objectives of the course
The second-cycle (master level) degree course in Business Management and Digital Technologies is aimed at training professional profiles able to exploit the tools supplied by the digital technologies in business management. Actually, in more and more globalized and competitive markets, companies need new professional profiles capable of exploiting the digital technologies to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness of their organizations. This second-cycle degree course is, therefore, aimed at training specialized profiles in business management and marketing of companies working in the field of ICT and experts in the field of business economics and new technologies.
In brief, this second-cycle degree course develops a highly qualified professional profile having also high-level managerial and technological skills, deeply aware of the economic and legal implications of the innovative aspects of the ICTs, consequently able to work in highly competitive environments and in private and public companies, in which the digital technologies are a strategic factor in terms of competitiveness.
The second-cycle degree course in Business Management and Digital Technologies is structured upon the consolidated psycho-pedagogic model designed by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and is divided into two years. Its educational offer is definitely based on the highest quality standards thanks to the collaboration of internationally renowned lecturers. Thanks to its videolessons, supplemented by multimedia educational materials and virtual classrooms in which the course contents are deepened, the students are constantly supported by teachers and tutors to complete their study path successfully.