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Specific objectives of the course
Specific educational objectives
Graduates in the university degree course in Psycho-social Disciplines will have acquired:
- Basic knowledge that characterise the different sectors of the psychological disciplines;
- Appropriate knowledge on methods and procedures of scientific investigations, with particular reference to personal meeting, interview, observation and psychological tests;
- Operational and applicative skills in planning and checking psycho-social interventions;
- Expertise and ability to operate as professionals in the context of services targeted to individuals, groups, organisations and communities in order to analyses behaviours, personalities, social interaction processes, opinions and attitudes, psychological fitness to carry on special tasks and specific conditions and for the purpose of school-professional guidance;
- Adequate skills and tools for communication and information management purposes;
- Working knowledge of written and oral English, besides Italian, in professional contexts and for the exchange of general information.
For these purposes, the curricula of the university degree in Psycho-social Disciplines include:
- Activities aimed at the acquisition of theoretical foundations and appropriate operational elements of general, social and development psychology;
- Survey methodologies; statistical and computer-based methodologies for data processing;
- Psycho-physiological mechanisms on which the behaviour and the dynamics of the human relationships are based;
- Courses aimed at appropriately specifying psycho-social disciplines in the framework of the natural and human sciences;
- Among training activities in the different disciplinary sectors, a total amount of 24 credits for seminars, laboratory activities, application experiences, participation in research activities, in real and simulation situation, aimed at acquiring skills concerning experimental methodologies and the use of investigation tool in personal and social contexts;
- Carrying out of activities that have the same value of practice periods corresponding to no more less that 10 credits;
- Extra-curricular activities and study travels to Italian and foreign universities, also in the framework of international agreements, as it regards specific targets.
Skills required for the admission (art. 6 D.M. 509/99)
The student who intends to enroll to the university degree course in Psycho-social Disciplines should meet the basic requirement, common to all other degrees, of a good knowledge of the Italian language, that can allow him to well understand a written text and to express himself in good language, both orally and in written form.
Facilitating elements that grant success in the university degree in Psycho-social Disciplines are:
(a) school-level knowledge of the English language that allows to understand sources in their original language;
(b) basic notions in mathematics (elements of algebra, geometry, trigonometry).
The assessment of these knowledge is made in orientation pre-courses that include a written auto-assessment test by which the would-be matriculates can assess their knowledge level and their aptitude to these subjects.
The result of the auto-assessment test is not a selection procedure to access the degree course in Psycho-social Disciplines. For the students who intend to enroll to these course, a qualifying element is the willingness to engage themselves in a systematic way to watch lessons on-line and to participate in on-line laboratory exercises.
Employment sectors for the graduates
Graduates in Psycho-social Disciplines:
- Having passed the school-leaving exam, they will be able to enroll to the section of the professional register of psychologists devoted to graduates and carry on all the activities envisaged by the rules of regulated professions in psychology sector;
- They will be able to perform professional activities in inter-personal and inter-group relations, activities linked to psychometric assessment, public relationships, training and educational activities, of social support and healthcare, paying particular attention to problems faced by youths, women, elderly people and within companies and service-sector organisations.