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UNINETTUNO participates as a partner of the European Project ''Home'' in Porto (Portugal) along with the only Italian members of the EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities.


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Working together with the best distance universities in Europe, the aim is to define the guidelines for strengthening the cooperation for the development of a European approach of Open Education.
The specific objectives of the project Home are:

  • to determine the opportunities and characteristics for European cooperation of MOOCs and to develop these characteristics on the basis of European values such as: transparency, equity, quality, and diversity;
  • to clarify and to develop the didactic and pedagogical models of MOOCs on a European scale;
  • to develop the conditions for the shared educational services and to monitor the MOOCs at the European level;
  • to develop together sustainable business models at the European, global, national and institutional levels;
  • to build a sustainable knowledge network, open to all over the world;
  • to start activities in different learning communities in order to improve development of skills at the European level on the main themes related to the development, to create guidelines and political incentives at the local, national and European levels for an open network of knowledge.