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Master class on Luxury and fashion brand management in Dubai


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A master’s course will be realized on the University’s digital platform including study periods in Dubai and in Italy.

Dubai, the 8th March 2017 – Today the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is in Dubai, with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in the UAE, to present the masterclass in "Luxury and Fashion Brands Management" in which they will speak about the excellence of the “Made-in-Italy”.
This event takes place in the framework of the 2017 Innovation Arabia International Conference, organized by the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU).
The masterclass will also give the opportunity of introducing a new master’s course for training of managers in the luxury and fashion sectors, realized precisely in cooperation with the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, partner of UNINETTUNO since 2016.
The program will be aimed at students and professionals across the world and will be run, at distance, through UNINETTUNO’s digital platform, with study and internship periods in Dubai and in Italy.
The whole program will be focused on Made-in-Italy in order to promote Italian quality and excellence in the fashion and luxury sectors.
As in it happens in its many international initiatives, UNINETTUNO aims at sharing its online study model and its e-learning platform with its academic partners – through which one can earn university study qualifications in 5 languages, Arabic included – and at promoting Italy and its excellences in the cultural and business fields.