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Συναντήσεις 2013


International Conference on quality in Higher Education. dd/MM/yyyy-14/12/2013 SAKRYA, TURCHIA The International Conference on Quality in Higher Education (ICQH) was organized by the Sakarya University and Governors State University. This conference aims to provide a multinational platform where were presented the latest trends in higher education, with the aim of learning from each other.
SIEL CONFERENCE: IX National Conference on e-learning. dd/MM/yyyy-12/12/2013 ROME, ITALY The Conference SIEL: IX National Conference on e-learning was organized by the School of Distance Education under the chairmanship of Prof. Aurelio Simone, former President of the SIEL. During the IX Conference of the Italian E-learning Society the attention was paid to the relations among Policies, Training and technologies as key elements for the development of the country and society.
A Roma gli esperti internazionali sulla protezione del patrimonio culturale dai disastri 04/12/2013 Roma, via IV Novembre 14. Sala delle Bandiere dell’Ufficio di rappresentanza del Parlamento europeo in Italia
Il convegno punta a proporre un quadro normativo capace di ridurre l’impatto dei disastri naturali e antropici sul patrimonio culturale
Conferenza sullo stato dell''arte dell e-learning in Marocco dd/MM/yyyy-30/11/2013 IFRANE, MOROCCO The conference on the state of the art of e-learning in Morocco was carried out in the presence of the Minister of Higher Education and Research of the Kingdom of Morocco.
4th World Conference on InformationTechnology – WCIT 2013. dd/MM/yyyy-28/11/2013 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM The 4th World Conference on Information Technology – WCIT 2013. Higher education has given the opportunity to represent the student as an expert in a subject (field) through scientific research, and for this reason the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision-making method based on the one-by-one priority.
VI International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, ICERI2013. dd/MM/yyyy-20/11/2013 SEVILLE, SPAIN The VI International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, ICERI2013. ICERI2013 is the 6° International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation that was held in Seville (Spain) from 18 to 20 November 2013.
ICODL 2013 - 7th International Conference in Open & Distance Learning. dd/MM/yyyy-10/11/2013 ATHENS, GREECE The ICODL 2013 - 7th International Conference in Open & Distance Learning. The conference was focused on learning methodologies and has offered a significant opportunity for those who are involved with the education world in rapid evolution.
ICBL 2013 Conference. dd/MM/yyyy-08/11/2013 FLORIANÓPOLIS, BRAZIL The ICBL 2013 Conference. This interdisciplinary conference has deepened the exchange of trends, relevant research results, as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained during development and testing of aided computer elements and interactive learning.
WORLD CONFERENCE ON LEARNING, TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP - WCLTA. dd/MM/yyyy-30/10/2013 BARCELONA, SPAIN THE WORLD CONFERENCE ON LEARNING, TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP - WCLTA. The conference brought together scientists, administrators, consultants, professors, graduates and members of NGO to discuss theoretical and practical implications of learning, teaching and administration in the scientific environment.
The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2013 "Transition to open and on-line education in European universities" – EADTU 2013. dd/MM/yyyy-25/10/2013 PARIS, FRANCE The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2013 “Transition to open and on-line education in European universities” – EADTU 2013.

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