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Συναντήσεις Μάρτιος 2013


ICDE » International Council for Open and Distance Education. dd/MM/yyyy-09/03/2013 Madrid, Spain The ICDE » International Council for Open and Distance Education. The theme of the Conference is “Mobilizing Distance Education for social justice and innovation”, that is to say, contributing to mobilize distance education in its many modalities and forms to build and transfer knowledge aimed at the achievement of the value targets for the societies that defend innovation and social justice.
INTED2013 - 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. dd/MM/yyyy-06/03/2013 VALENCIA, SPAIN The INTED2013 - 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. It is an international forum related technology, education, development and international collaboration; a meeting point for teachers, researchers, professors, scientists, and educational technologists from all cultures and continents.

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