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EDEN Annual Conference


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European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) organized an Annual Conference at the University of Zagreb on the theme: “From Education to Employment and Meaningful Work with ICTs – E-learning at work and the workplace”.

The development of human potential is a persistent policy of the EU, also in the last years of economic crisis.

Among the objectives of the European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and the strategy of Horizon 2020 we can find employment, innovation and education as a powerful leverage.

The European education and training systems are often criticized for being appropriate for social needs.

E-learning, as a system integrator, can help the education providers and employers to enhance all these aspects.

Training in the workplace, supported by computer tools is a solution to reduce lack and inadequacy of skills.
The benefits of ICT are multiple: flexibility, cost and time savings, new work habits and improvement of the working climate.

E-competences and e-skills are increasingly autonomous elements of the personnel development to be supported by specific activities and models of learning. ICT-supported learning, educational innovations and open educational resources will promote and enhance the growth and employability.
On this occasion the Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Prof. Maria Amata GARITO has involved in the conference with her speech about “Application of the E-xcellence model for the Quality Assurance of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO”.