Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in European Union Studies: Cultures and History, Policies and Global Perspectives (Academic Year 2023/2024)

MODULO 1 - European History and Culture


Leçon n. 1: The European dream Louis Godart
Leçon n. 2: Europe from classical civilizations to the Carolingian Empire Louis Godart
Leçon n. 3: Charlemagne "Father of Europe" Louis Godart
Leçon n. 4: Europe from the Middle Ages to the Seventeenth Century Louis Godart
Leçon n. 5: Europe from the Baroque to the Age of Enlightenment Louis Godart
Leçon n. 6: From the concept of Nation to the immense Tragedies Louis Godart
Leçon n. 7: Towards a united Europe Louis Godart
Leçon n. 8: Eclipse of Europe and World Diarchy
   The Yalta conference

   The bipole and "disappeared" Europe

   An economic "boom", the Soviet "thaw", 1968

   Towards the crises of the bi-pole system
Vai alla slide della lezione Franco Cardini
Leçon n. 9: Between two centuries, two millennia
   The "Fall of the Berlin wall"

   The illusion of the "end of the history"

   The new fundamentalisms

   The Two Towers: a turning point?
Vai alla slide della lezione Franco Cardini