Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Academic Year 2022/2023)

Mathematiques II

CFU: 5
Langue du contenu:Arabe
Description du cours
Introduction to several variable functions and multiple integrals. Differential equations and systems, series of functions.
Connaissances requises
Differential and integral calculus. Linear Algebra.
  • NumericalSeries; series of functions. Taylor and power series. Fourierseries.
  • Real functions of several variables: limits, continuity and differentiation.
  • Multiple integrals.
  • Differential equations: separable variables, first and second order linear equations. Linear differential systems with constant coefficients
Professeur/Tuteur responsable enseignement
Professeur non disponible
Enseignant vidéo
Prof. Abdelilah Dahlane - Université Cadi Ayyad (Marrakech - Morocco)
Liste des leçons
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
    •  Leçon n. 18: Power Series  Go to this lesson
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed
Mohamed Kheir Ahmed