Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Uninettuno presenta il seminario "How to face Complex Challenges? The role of Natural Computing and Chemical Artificial Intelligence"


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L'Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno ha organizzato venerdì 10 febbraio alle ore 15 il seminario dal titolo "How to face Complex Challenges? The role of Natural Computing and Chemical Artificial Intelligence", a cura del Prof. Pier Luigi Gentili.

Sarà possibile partecipare all'evento cliccando questo link o inquadrando il QR code presente nella foto di questo articolo.

Di seguito l'abstract dell'evento:

Humanity is spurred to tackle global challenges involving everyone on Earth. Facing global challenges requires dealing with Complex Systems [1]. Therefore, the investigation and teaching of Complex Systems are essential [2]. In this lecture, I will outline the ontology and epistemology of Complex Systems. I will propose strategies to face Complex Systems from an epistemological point of view. I will highlight the important role of Natural Computing in facing the description, prediction, and more in-depth comprehension of Complex Systems [2]. In Natural Computing [3], scientists from different disciplines draw inspiration from natural phenomena to propose new algorithms, new materials and architectures to compute, and new methodologies and models to understand Complex Systems. Among the diverse natural sources of inspiration, human intelligence is undoubtedly the most in vogue [4,5] to face complex scenarios. I will demonstrate that the imitation of human intelligence and the consequent development of Artificial Intelligence can be carried out not only through traditional strategies but also through Molecular, Supramolecular, and Systems Chemistry [6-8]. Two examples of Chemical Artificial Intelligence will be presented. The first one regards implementing Biologically Inspired Photochromic Fuzzy Logic Systems that extend human vision from the visible to the UV [7]. The second example concerns the optical communication between artificial neuron models to observe spontaneous synchronization phenomena analogous to real neurons [8]. Finally, I will show how Chemical Artificial Intelligence will potentially contribute to facing global challenges and understanding remarkable emergent properties such as intelligence and life.