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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Communiqués de presse Novembre 2022

Mars     Mai     Octobre     Novembre     Décembre

08/11/2022 JOB CENTER, all information on UNINETTUNO’s Orientation Office A few weeks ago the Job Center, the Outbound Orientation and Placement office of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, was born. The Job Center is a new facility that provides all the useful tools for UNINETTUNO undergraduates and graduates to enter the labor market and find valuable professional opportunities.
03/11/2022 One in three students think about "digital work" for post-high school diploma A survey conducted by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and Skuola.net (and covered by prestigious newspapers such as "Rai news," "Il Sole 24 ore" and "Tgcom24") shows that out of a sample of 2650 high school students, 31% of students approaching the graduation milestone are considering the choice of pursuing a "digital" profession, i.e., based on new technologies.

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