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Communiqués de presse Septembre 2010

Mai     Août     Septembre     Octobre     Novembre

20/09/2010 UNIDO and UNINETTUNO join hands for the benefit of SMEs in the region The UNIDO project “Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion for the SME sector in Iraq” was launched in the year 2007 with funds made available by the Italian Cooperation for Development to provide capacity building to Iraqi institutions and private sector to promote investment in the country in collaboration with the “Arab Regional Centre for Entrepreneurship and Investment Training (ARCEIT)”.

The fist phase of the program has been successfully completed in Iraq providing support to 348 entrepreneurs and training 115 Iraqi experts in enterprise development. Based on the results, the Italian Cooperation Development has provided additional funds of $2.9 Million to reinforce and expand the programme. In this regard, UNIDO and ARCEIT joined hands with UNINETTUNO, an international telematic university to realize distance education programs on issues related to Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion by means of ICTs.
13/09/2010 Cooperazione Italia - Egitto per la Formazione e la Professionalizzazione delle Risorse Umane Studenti di UTIU – Universita’ Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO provenienti dal mondo arabo arrivano in Italia per effettuare un periodo di stage e conseguire il doppio diploma di laurea riconosciuto in Europa ed in Egitto

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