Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

TITAN - Δραστηριότητες

Κατάσταση υλοποίησης
80 - 100% 50 - 80% 0 - 50%

Δραστηριότητες / αποτελέσματα Περιγραφή Συνεργάτες Παρεχόμενο
WP1 Project Management WP1 deals with coordination and project management, in terms of communication, time, cost, risk, quality, legal and ethical aspects. WP1 objectives are a) effectively coordinate the project in administrative, technical, contractual, and financial terms; b) promptly identifying conflicts, risks and issues to be managed; c) establishing quality assurance policies and reporting to the EC; d) Interfacing the EU services; e) assessing the legal and ethical impacts of TITAN activities, also by using external expert review.
Κορυφαίοι εταίροι:
Άλλοι εμπλεκόμενοι εταίροι:
  • VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • DBT
  • NCSR - D
  • ATC
WP2 - TITAN Socio-Technical Methodological Framework Against Disinformation WP2 aims to 1) understand the socio-political factors and psychological mechanisms leading to disinformation spreading; 2) explore the AI SoA to fight disinformation; 3) establish the legal and ethical requirements of AI to tackle disinformation; 4) determine the user requirements for a citizen-centered intelligent coaching environment against disinformation; 5) specify the related methodologies and models.
Κορυφαίοι εταίροι:
  • ATC
Άλλοι εμπλεκόμενοι εταίροι:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
  • VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • NCSR - D
  • AHS
  • CSD
  • 21C
WP3 - Implementation of Citizen Co-Creation Sessions WP3 will contribute to developing an ethically a sound, societally responsible AI to fight disinformation, by: - coordinating the development of co-creation design principles for TITAN during workshops and other engagement activities with citizens and relevant stakeholders from several representative EU countries. - develop AI training data sets - co-create of service prototypes This WP will provide the logistic support for co-creation across the project whereas the co-creation theme-specific support of such workshops is provided by the relevant work packages, WP2 and WP3.
Κορυφαίοι εταίροι:
  • DBT
Άλλοι εμπλεκόμενοι εταίροι:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
  • VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • VRT
WP4 - TITAN Services and Ecosystem Platform & Continuous System Integration WP4 will develop and deploy the TITAN Citizen Intelligent Coaching Ecosystem Platform defining: 1) services and applications specs, the Data Model and the platform architecture of the TITAN Ecosystem, (considering WP2 and WP3 results); 2) defining the AI techniques needed to implement the AI-based services; 3) defining and preparing the datasets to train the AI models 4) developing and integrating the services, applications, and components needed to deploy our platform, in a continuous integration approach.
Κορυφαίοι εταίροι:
Άλλοι εμπλεκόμενοι εταίροι:
  • VTT
  • NCSR - D
  • ATC
  • IPT
  • SWC
WP5 - Piloting and Evaluation WP5 will ensure that the TITAN tools will be tested and used iteratively by the target groups of the 3TITAN use cases. WP5 specific objectives are: • Define a common methodology and strategic pilot operations plan for the TITAN use cases that defines the requirements for the pilot, prepares the citizen for use, recruit the target groups and provides check-points to monitor pilot progress • Assure smooth testing and sustain the engagement of TITAN community members during the pilot stages • Design an evaluation methodology to assess the user experience and adoption of our results • Collect data of TITAN use case members following an evaluation methodology to evaluate the citizen’s experience of the TITAN solution and identify drivers and barriers for its adoption and use.
Κορυφαίοι εταίροι:
  • VRT
Άλλοι εμπλεκόμενοι εταίροι:
  • VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • DBT
  • AHS
  • CSD
WP6 - Impact and Sustainable Value Creation WP6 focuses on communication, dissemination and exploitation strategies. WP6 objectives are: • Raise awareness about TITAN’s vision to increase citizen capability to tackle disinformation • Engage end-users and influencers in the activities of the TITAN-AI ecosystem • Share TITAN results with relevant audience groups through appropriate channels • Define sustainability models for TITAN’s commercial and non-commercial outputs
Κορυφαίοι εταίροι:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
Άλλοι εμπλεκόμενοι εταίροι:
  • VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • VTT
  • DBT
  • NCSR - D
  • ATC
  • IPT
  • SWC
  • AHS
  • CSD
  • VRT
  • 21C
WP7 - Ethics requirements
Κορυφαίοι εταίροι:

  Σελίδα 1 του 1