Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2022/2023)

European Funding and Europlanning

Πιστώσεις: 11
Γλώσσα περιεχομένου:Αγγλικά
Περιγραφή μαθήματος
The course "European funding and Europlanning" is firstly aimed to provide students with an overview of the Community funding programs, as well as some information on future programming from 2014 to 2020. A specific focus is devoted to future programming in research, development and innovation. Second, the course aims to train students on the design, with particular reference to the project cycle, from the identification of the idea to the implementation of the activities, their reporting and evaluation. The third axis of the course focuses on the role of lobbying and advocacy, which can influence the evaluation of project proposals and that is important to exercise properly and effectively, beside and in addition to the predisposition of a high-quality proposal.
- There are no propaedeutic requirements.
- A basic knowledge of the European institutions and their functioning is an advantage to understand the institutional and programmatic context of the Community funding programmes
The learning objectives that this course aims to achieve, or in other words the skills that students will gain at the end of the course are: - Knowledge of existing Community direct and indirect funding programs - Knowledge of the main features of the future European programming period, particularly in terms of research, development and innovation - Ability to draft a project proposal: ability to identify funding opportunities, ability to develop a project proposal, by the identification of the problems, the definition of objectives and activities, knowledge of administrative documents to be submitted together with the proposal - Ability to predispose a project budget - Ability to browse the website of the European Commission and seek funding programs
The video lessons deal with the following topics:
Direct and indirect EU funds: 2007 - 2013 programming period 2014 – 2020 programming period: focus on research, development and innovation Grants and tenders The project cycle management: the logical framework The budget of the project: preparation and management Reporting of expenditures and activities Actions of support of our proposal: lobbying and advocacy
Project Cycle Management Guidelines, European Commission, 2004
The exercises will be of various types. They will be questions related to the programs submitted, either open or multiple choice. With regard to the project cycle, the exercises will foresee the construction of a project proposal in progressive stages, from the identification of problems and objectives, to the development of the activities and the preparation of the budget.
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Λίστα μαγνητοσκοπημένων παραδόσεων
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Antonella Valmorbida
Antonella Valmorbida
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Antonella Valmorbida
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Luis Rodrيguez Rosellò