1. Federal law No. 261-FZ of 23.11.2009. About energy saving and about increase in power effectiveness and about introduction of amendments to separate acts of the Russian Federation.
2. GOST 30167-95 Interstate standard. Resource-saving. An order of establishment of indexes of resource-saving in documentation on production. Interstate council for standardization, metrology and certification.
3. GOST 30494-96 Interstate standard. Buildings inhabited and public. Microclimate parameters in rooms.
4. Bashkin B.V., Bryntsev A.N., V.L., Glebov N.P., Gushcho M.V. Bulls, Kazakov EL, Mukumov R.E., Pastry cook A. S., Portyankin B.A., Primak V.N., Primak L.V., Priymak K.T., Svinitsky A.I., Tolstoy M.Yu., Holopov S.N., Chernyshov L.N. Energy saving in housing and public utilities: An educational and practical grant / Under the editorship of L.V. Primak, L.N. Chernyshov. – M.: Academic project; Alma Mater, 2011. – 622 pages – (Guadeamus). It is recommended Committee on construction and the land relations of the State Duma of the Russian Federation as an educational and practical grant in the system of housing and public utilities.
5. Ruposov V.L., Tolstoy M.Yu., Hahn V. V. Analiz of social and economic models of public-private partnership on the example of power service: monograph. – Irkutsk: IRNITU publishing house, 2015. – 186 pages (Usl. print. page 12,0).
6. The joint venture 50.13330.2012 Thermal protection of buildings the Staticized editorial office Construction Norms and Regulations 23-02-2003.
7. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 N 87 (an edition of 08.09.2017) "About structure of sections of the project documentation and requirements to their contents"